Part 5

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* Amy's POV*

I had an amazing day with Justin yesterday. The way our lips connected just felt so right. I had been texting Justin since I woke up, He wants to hangout with me agian, i dont know if thats such a good idea? The last time i dont know had a friend was in the 8th grade. We were best friends, so i thought. I still remember it like it was yesterday her name was Brooke. She took me out to a school party , then humiliated me infront of everyone. She totally played me and i was so stupid to fall for it and im not about to fall for it twice. How can a girl like me leave me friends? How do i know Justin isn't going to do the same thing? My thoughts where interrupted by my phone viberating in my pocket. The caller ID said Justin . I didn't know what to do so i answered the phone . "Hey" i said happily.

"so whats up i asked awkwardly."

"Ive got nothing going on today we should hang out." He said. Well here goes nothing... "Justin I don't I mean i cant hang out with you... EVER" i said with a tear slipping from my eye. "I dont understand ", He mumbled confused. I sighed. "im saving myself from from getting hurt again. Ive only had one friend and when i started trusting her she backstabbed me and humiliated me in front of the entire school. So how do i know your not going to do the same." I said trying to hold in my tears that where about to pour out. "I would NEVER do" he said before i shit my phone on him in the middle of the sentence. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore I lost total control. My step sister must have heard me crying because she came in telling me to "shut the fuck up before she hurts me." Before i got the chance to stop crying, she ran towards my bed , grabbing my hair. After she got a good grip on me she punched me in the face and continued to pull my hair. I let out a scream, causing her to punch me more harder. *1 hour later* I woke up in my bed with a horrible headake. I must have blacked out when Sarah was hitting me.


My phone beeped indicating i had a a new text message. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and then unlocked my phone. 10 new text messages/12 new calls/2 new voicemails i checked them and they were all from Justin. I kind of felt bad for what i said to Justin, but how am i supposed to know if he was going to do the same thing Brooke did to me in the 8th grade? I felt bad for putting Justin through this so i clicked on his caller ID and called him. We talked for a while but he wanted to talk to me so he was coming to pick me up in a little over an hour and we were going to the beach. I walked into my closet and found a hot pink bikini. I put it on then put jean shorts and a white flowy tank top. When i was done getting changed i walked into my bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I took one last look in the mirror and i was finished. I walked downstairs with a smile on my face, feeling happy. When i got to the bottom step my smile vannished. Sarah was standing 2 inches in front of me with a smirk on her face.

"Where do you think your going?" She asked me still smirking. I was not in the mood to put up with her shit. I wasnt going to let her ruin my day.

"It's none of your buisness, but if you must know im going to hang out with Justin." I said feeling butterflys in my stomach just saying his name. She started laughing like it was the funniest thing she has ever heard in her life. When she was finally able to catch her breath she was able to talk.

"No you not you are going to stay here and do my chores while i catch up on my show or you will regret meeting Justin." She said making me wan to punch her square in the nose.

"You really are a bitch" I said telling the truth.

"Yup i know know you can start by cleaning the closets by the front door." She said walking away to go watch tv. But i wasnt going to sit around and have her ordering me around. Whats the worst she can do? I thought about it when i got an idea. Im sneaking out. I snuck around the the corner to make sure she wasnt watching me and then tip-toed to the front door. I opened to door quietly, stepped out and shut the door. I walked over to Justin's house, and knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door swang open and Justin was standing there smiling. I coulnt help but stare. His smile soon turned into a smirk. He was standing there only wearing his black swim truncks and was shirtless. The black shorts looked good on him. It made his skin look much tanner than it acually was. Not to mention he had abs. He took my breath away. When i realized i was staring, i looked away. "Sorry" i said awkwardly

"Like what you see?" he said cocky. I blushed and said changing the subject ready to go. He nodded and we got into his black range rover, and headed to the beach.


This chapter sucked.... sorry been really busy and i have 4 end of the quarter pojects and i havnt started on any of them so im stressed out and really busy lately.

Dedicated to Gloria and Joslyn.


Vote and comment... means alot guys thankyou! Next update will be as soon as possible already started on part 5(:


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