Chapter 2 - Paranoia

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"Are you really okay, Rosalie?" America asked me for the hundredth time.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."
"You know, you can just try to sleep so you can forget about being on a plane for a little while." Canada suggested softly.
I gave him a smile. "I might do that."
Then the intercom over our heads made a static sound, then a voice spoke through it.
"The plane is about to take flight. Please buckle your seat belts and do not stand as the plane lifts off."
"Here we go," Romano, who is sitting next to me, muttered wryly. "Off to have fun."
I grinned, despite the fear bile that rose in my throat once that message sunk in. "C'mon, Roma, don't be like that. The trip will be fun."
My voice is shaky and he apparently noticed as he met my gaze. I gave him a nervous grin.
"It'll be fine," he told me.
"I know," I sighed. "But you know, my brain doesn't want to believe it."
The loud roar of the engine started and I, along with Italy, let out a small squeal of surprise. The plane shuddered, and then I looked out the window to see that the plane is beginning to move down the parking lot towards the long track. I swallowed hard.
My hands clenched, trembling, and I feel a bit light-headed, too. The plane rode down the lot, slowly, until it entered the tracks. It stopped moving, and for a moment, I thought something went wrong, and the plane won't go further.
That little bit of relief was swallowed down as the plane suddenly launched forward, speeding down the track at an incredible speed that had my heart pounding wildly.
I gasped a little as the plane then lifted off the ground, going higher and higher into the air. At that exact moment, every possibility flew through my mind. Like, what if something goes wrong and the plane crashes? What if we go too high up? What if-
"Rosalie, dude, you look like you're going to puke." America had turned in his seat a bit to look at me with worried blue eyes. England, Canada, Romano, and Italy heard and looked at me also, all of them looking concerned.
"That's 'cause I am," I muttered, looking out the window again. My eyes widened and my heart pounded against my ribs. Holy shit, we are so high up! We're almost in the clouds now and the land is so far below...
My head spun and my stomach twisted. The force of the nausea and my headache caused my vision to blur and turn gray.
"Dude, are you okay?"
"Is she-"
Then I blacked out.

My head and stomach were aching when I flew into consciousness. I managed a groan.
"Rosalie? Are you awake?"
Awake? I didn't know I fell asleep. Oh wait, yeah, that's right. I think I passed out.
My head throbbed and I managed to blink my eyes open. The light made my head hurt even worse and I groaned again, closing my eyes.
"She probably has a major headache. Dudes, did any of you guys bring Advil or somethin'?"
"Silly America, of course we didn't. We don't have problems like that, unlike the humans." I heard Russia say.
I heard a sigh. "Maybe we can ask the flight attendant, where ever she is."
"In my bag," I managed to mutter.
"What was that, Rosalie?"
"I have Tylenol in my bag," I said a little louder.
I felt the weight shift next to me, so I guess someone stood up. I heard a bit of shuffling sounds and a zipper above me. Someone is searching through my bag, I think.
I opened my eyes again and my vision was blurry. There is definitely someone leaning over me, blocking the light, so my eyes don't hurt so bad now. I looked over, my eyes spinning as I did, to see the others surrounding the back area of the plane where I'm at. I'm still in the same seat I was before.
Then I heard a strange whisper, a voice that is somehow familiar, but I can't put a name to it.
"He's here."
I blinked. What? I looked at the others to see if they heard, but they didn't pause their chatter, unaffected.
But then something caught my eye. It's near the front of the plane where nobody sat at. My vision's still disoriented, so I can't make it out very well. It's a person. The figure is impossibly tall, so there's no way it could be a person...right? Then I noticed how thin the figure is. Yeah, no way that's a person. Maybe it's just my eyes being weird.
I blinked and focused my vision, but the figure is gone. At first, I felt a little befuddled and worried. Oh, well. I did just wake up from passing out, so I'm probably just seeing things.
I looked up again to see that it's Romano who is digging through my bag. Soon enough, I heard the rattle of the pill bottle. He grabbed it and zipped up my messy purple bag and sat next to me again, opening the bottle and shaking two pills onto his palm.
"C-Can I have some water?" I asked. Cold water sounds real nice about now.
"Hai, I will get some for you." I heard Japan say. I saw him stand up and walk towards the front of the plane, muttering something about getting the attendant.
But as he passed, something appeared right as he did, but what's strange is, it wasn't there before. It was the same thing I saw just a minute ago; the same tall, thin figure. I squinted to see better.
Holy shit, that's a guy! Who is he? And is he wearing a tuxedo?
Suddenly, my stomach clenched again. Not with sickness, but in fear. Why? I have no clue. But I suddenly I have the urge that I need to run. Run and never look back. But I'm on a plane, so where can I run to?
That's when I decided to lift my eyes up to his face, but before I could make out what it looks like, a huge wave of dizziness and pain flooded through my head, causing white spots to appear in my vision and my head to spin. I groaned again, grabbing at my head.
"Rosalie?" Italy asked, sounding concerned. The pain in my head is white-hot, and there's a ringing in my ears. It's hard to think.
"Head...hurts..." I panted, blinking multiple times. I looked up towards the figure again and it's still there. But I can't make him out! Who is he? And why can't I see his face? It's a big blur.
Japan hurried back, glass of water in hand, but he passed by the figure like it wasn't even there, or he didn't see it. But once he passed it, the figure disappeared. Along with the figure, the pain in my head was gone. What the hell?
"Here, Rosalie." Japan handed me the cold glass and Romano gave me the pills. I swallowed them and took huge gulps of the water.
I set the cup down and took deep breaths. I smiled reassuringly at them, or at least I tried to. "Thanks guys, I'm alright now."
"You sure?" America asked, raising one dirt blonde eyebrow. "You looked pretty sick."
I nodded. "I was, but I'm good now."
England sighed and sat back in his seat. "We have a few hours until we get there. Hopefully you won't get sick again."
I didn't respond for a moment, because I'm still in a daze as I kept thinking about that figure I saw.
"Hey, guys? Do we have another guy on here? Like, a male attendant?" I asked.
"What?" England looked at me, furrowing his bushy eyebrows.
"I-I don't know, I just saw some weird, super tall guy over there," I pointed to where I last saw it. "He was wearing a tuxedo and Kiku passed right by him and he disappeared."
"Uh," America, along with everyone else, stared at me weirdly before looking around the plane, although the guy isn't here anymore.
"We only have one attendant, and there's the pilot up front," England told me. "As far as I know, they're the only ones, besides us, on the plane."
I shrugged, "I don't know. It's just what I saw a moment ago. I mean, it could be nothing and I could just be going crazy."
"Wouldn't be surprised," Romano muttered, but playfully.
I laughed, putting the image of that figure into the back of my mind.
It's not that important, right?

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