Chapter 16 - Will Find You

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Rosalie's P.O.V

We had walked for a good long while, and it's still pretty dark. It helps that we have flashlights, but the feeling of being watched never ceases. Actually, I think it's worse now,
Not to mention we're all exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and I'm in need of a bathroom...
It's stressful enough that Italy and Romano are missing, and we're lost again, so I can't just let myself feel worse knowing that I need to use the restroom!
I swallowed hard, heat rising on my face. I need to let someone know, so that we could make a stop or something...
My eyes shifted between England and America. England is mature, so I'm hoping he'll understand without teasing me,
I reached out and tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. He looked at me, question in his gaze.
"Yes, Rosalie?" He asked and I felt heat rise up in my cheeks.
"I, uh...I need to use the restroom," I whispered.
He sighed. "Can you wait until we get to the cabin?"
I bit my lip, my eyebrows furrowing. If I remember right, I didn't see a bathroom there...
I met his gaze again. "I don't think we will find it in time."
"How long can you last?"
"Not very long..."
"Are you sure?"
"England, I really need to pee!" I whispered a bit louder than necessary. I didn't mean to, but I need to get it through to him that I need to use the restroom.
He exhaled softly, thinking. Then he stopped walking and spoke up.
"Alright, well, I think we should all take a quick break," he said.
"Thank Gott, I need to piss!" Prussia shouted, quickly running towards one of the bigger trees,
I sighed, turning to walk farther into the trees, glancing at the others to make sure no one can see me.
"Don't go too far!" America called to me and I nodded.
"No worries," I called back, and as I continued, I mumbled to myself. "'Cause I don't wanna walk into some super tall creepy dude."
When I thought I was far enough to feel more unwatched, but not completely out of sight, I found a tree that is perfect. It has a few bushes and fallen branches around to hide me better.
This is the first time I've ever had to use the restroom outdoors, so you can say I'm pretty freakin' uncomfortable.
I set the flashlight down and faced the beam away from me and I did what I needed to do.
It's really unsettling, knowing the fact that I still feel watched. Not cool, Slendy.
When I finished, I fixed my jeans and picked up the flashlight, and then made my way back to the others. I feel a little uncomfortable knowing there's no toilet paper, but...I'll live.
It wasn't hard to find them since their flashlights waved around every now and then.
As I made my way over to them, I felt that familiar chill at my back. I didn't dare to look behind me.
I took a deep breath and continued my way to the others.
They were all waiting for me once I met up with them again, and when I did, we began our walking. The feeling of being watched didn't go away.
When will this be over?
What will we do when we do find all the notes?
We escape him, but then what?
What if he isn't finished with us when/if we escape?
Ugh, too many questions...
I bit my lip, watching as my feet shuffled through grass and random leaves.
"Well, that was faster than I thought." I heard England mutter.
I looked up at him. "Huh?"
He pointed ahead of us, and I squinted my eyes to see better. A little further ahead, there's a clearing in the trees, and I can see an outline of a small shelter.
The moonlight illuminated the cabin, and so when I saw it, my eyes widened.
"That was fast!" I exclaimed in surprise.
"That's what I just said," England mumbled and shook his head, but then I began to run towards it.
"W-Wait, Rosalie!"
"Not so fast!"
They all ran after me as I ran towards the cabin. I'm desperate to find those notes, so I can hopefully find Italy and Romano.
I got close enough to see that we're behind it.
"Is this the cabin?" Germany asked and England nodded.
"Yeah, this is it." America confirmed. "I've been here before."
We began to walk around to the front, a few of the others looking into the windows we walk past.
"It's pitch black in there, aru!" China exclaimed, stepping away from the window he was looking through as he continued to follow us.
"Thank goodness we have flashlights, then." Japan said.
We made it around to the front, and as we did, I noticed the goosebumps rising on my arms.
I've never thought I'd find myself here again, but...
I looked over to see the front of the house, and then I saw that the front door is closed.
That's weird...didn't we leave it open? All the wind probably closed it.
"Shall we enter?" Japan asked and England nodded. I noticed that his face is a bit paler than before, but I don't blame him. We might have to see that body again...
"Let's go," he said, now walking up the porch steps.
As the rest of us followed, England opened the cabin door and we entered the familiar cabin. China is right, it's extremely dark in here now, but we do have flashlights. My flashlight beam shifted from the hallway, then to the staircase.
"Let's check upstairs first," I said. "I may know a room where a note could be."
I led them up and again, the wood creaked under our weight as we climbed the stairs.
"It's very eerie in here," I heard Germany mutter.
"Da," Russia agreed.
"Does anyone live here?" Canada asked.
"Not currently," England responded.
Once we made it to the top, I headed towards the child's bedroom.
I grabbed the cold doorknob, turned it, and opened it.
Our flashlight beams immediately explored the room, revealing the haunting drawings on the walls and the torn stuffed animals scattered along the floor.
But I looked along the floor and the papers, the notes, they're missing....
The only ones left are empty pages.
"That's weird," I muttered.
"What is?" America asked, but I just shook my head.
"It's nothing."
Then I saw something that reflected a bit of light within the darkness of the room. I shifted my flashlight over to that area to see that small toy, the one that played the melody.
I remember when I threw it away from me, but I'm not sure if it landed upright and somehow faced the doorway, towards our direction. The feeling of being watched just increased tenfold.
I bit my lip as I looked at that haunting toy. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't help but to let the melody play through my head, almost like I was listening to it again.
I shivered, but then turned to face the others. "I don't think a note is here."
England nodded. "Let's check the next room."
And so we left the kid's room and I closed the door behind me, letting out a small breath of relief.
America opened the door across from us and again, we walked in, our flashlights scanning the walls for any notes, but found none.
Germany let out a small sigh, rubbing the back of his head. I noticed his usually slicked-back hair is now messy and a few strands hung over his forehead, some sticking out at random spots.
"I guess we need to search more of the cabin, then." He muttered.
"Well, ja!" Prussia said with a 'duh' tone. "We need to check everywhere if there's a chance a note could be here!"
"He's right," I heard Canada say.
"Well, let's keep searching, then!" America shouted, then running out of the room.
"Idiot, don't run!" England called, now chasing after him.
"Oh dear..." China muttered, and then we followed those two.
We made it down the stairs in time to hear America's shout. "What the hell is that smell!?"
I sighed a bit, not really surprised they're at the kitchen.
The others followed me as I turned to corner and into the hallway where I can see America and England standing there, covering their noses and mouths to block out the smell.
The putrid air filled the rest of our noses. I winced and held the urge to gag as everyone else groaned and gagged at it.
Except for Russia, who just stands there like nothing's wrong.
Does he not smell this?
"I sure as hell hope the note isn't in the kitchen," America muttered, which sounded muffled through his hand. "Now I see what Rosalie was talking about."
"Oui," France said, looking like he's about to puke.
We looked into the doorway of the kitchen, shifting the flashlight beams around for a note. That's when I noticed that the fridge door is open somehow, and I can see maggots on the floor, crawling and slithering around.
"Ugh, it smells worse than England's food!" America shouted, which earned a glare from said England.
"What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"What is in that fridge?" Prussia asked, pinching his nose.
"Whatever it is, it must be rotten as hell." America said, ignoring England's glare.
"I think...we should close that fridge then, si?" Spain suggested, covering his nose and mouth with both of his hands, his eyes watering.
"That's a good idea, aru." China muttered, one hand over his mouth as the other is on his stomach, and he seems to be gagging.
" you see those maggots!?" America said, his voice sounded struck with horror. "It's disgusting!"
"C'mon, be a hero a close the damn fridge!" Prussia said, but then America turned to him.
"Why don't you be as awesome as you say you are and close it yourself?" He countered.
"Don't worry. I'll close the refrigerator, da?" Russia insisted, now stepping past us and into the kitchen. He headed towards the fridge and without any hesitation, he closed it. The maggots made a horrible splatting sound as his boots crushed them and I gagged again. Russia turned back and, with his usual smile on his face, walked back towards us.
"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?" He said.
"You're a life saver, aru!" China praised, throwing his hands into the air, but then immediately covered his mouth again.
"The smell is still here, though." England muttered.
"It'll go away soon," Japan promised and Germany nodded.
"Ja, so let's continue, then."
We all turned to face the last door to our right at the end of the hallway. I swallowed hard, knowing what to expect once we walk in.
England and I met worried glances, then we walked towards the door.
I don't want to enter that room, but if a note could possibly be in there...
"Hey, dudes, didn't you say you two found a dead girl in this cabin?" America asked me and England.
China gasped and Spain's eyes widened.
"Wh-What?" Spain stuttered.
"A dead girl?" Germany asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
I nodded. "Yeah. In that room right over there."
"Th-Then...we probably shouldn't enter, right?" Canada said, his voice shaking and his face pale.
"We have to to make sure there isn't a note in there, oui?" France said, though he looked pale, too.
England took a deep breath, then reached for the doorknob. "Here we go..."
I held my breath as he pulled the door open. The room is pitch black, or it was until I shined my light in there.
Straight ahead of us, on the wall, is a sheet of yellowed paper attached to the wall.
A note where the body...was.
"Wh-What!? Where's the body!?"

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