Chapter 29 - Still Alive

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"No way," I whispered, my eyes widening once I saw it.
"You better hurry."
Like hell I will.
I rushed forward, towards that massive tree, towards that last note, towards what hope we have left.
But now Slender Man is there, right beside the note. Pain pierced through my temples and I cried out, the ringing began in my ears again.
No, I can't stop here! The note is right. Fucking. There. Rosalie. Get it. Now.
With a scream, I kept running forward despite that my legs are resisting. I ignored that I'm running straight towards Slender. I fought him off as I reached forward, having no hesitation and taking no time to read what's written.
I grabbed the note, the yellowed paper crumpling in my grasp, and then I ripped it off the tree.
I jumped away from the large tree, breathing heavily and my hands trembled. I collapsed against the large truck, relieved by its support.
The whispers stopped, the ringing, the headache, and all just vanished.
I panted for air, my legs almost giving out of me. Did I do it? Is it all over?
I carefully and very hesitantly glanced around, but saw no Slender Man.
No way.
My eyes widened and a smile broke out on my face.
I can't believe it.
I turned my head to see America and the others running towards me, their eyes wide.
"You idiot, you bloody did it again!" England scolded. "Don't leave our sight ever-"
His scolding cut off when he saw the note in my hand, and then they all saw it.
Tears filled my eyes as I continued to smile.
"We did it," I whispered in a hoarse voice.
It fell silent for a moment. But only for a moment.
America was the first to speak up, quite loudly, actually.
"FUCK YEAH!" He yelled to the sky, raising his fists in the air, then pulling me into a spine-crushing hug. Spain laughed in joy and pulled France into a hug, who happily accepted.
China's mouth is agape in disbelief, and Russia has relaxed. Canada is smiling, relieved as France pulled him into a hug along with Spain.
"Kesesese! I knew we could do it!" Prussia said, crossing his arms and giving a satisfactory smirk. "And thanks to the Awesome Me, it vas possible."
"Hahaha!" America laughed, finally letting me go and giving me the chance to breathe. "Yeah right! I did most of it, dude!"
"Nein you didn't!" Prussia argued.
"Wait, does this mean we get Italy and Romano back?" Germany asked, his eyes wide and relieved, but they seemed to reveal some doubt and questioning.
I coughed as I tried to breathe properly, but the joy is overwhelming. "Yeah...they should come back to us now."
"Thank God," England sighed, wiping his forehead. Japan smiled as China cheered.
"We did it, aru!" He shouted.
"Take that, you slender asshole!" America shouted into the woods, his voice echoing.
"Kol kol kol," Russia chuckled. "I guess Slender Man isn't as great as he thinks himself to be."
"Good work, amiga!" Spain said, grasping my shoulders and smiling brightly.
I managed to smiled back. "It wasn't all me, you know."
"Oui, but you did get the last note, non?" France said, smiling also. "Look over there."
He pointed to our right and up a bit, and so I followed his gaze, and I saw what he's seeing.
Sunlight is reflecting off the clouds and the very top of the large tree.
"You got it right on time," France said with a chuckle. "It's a bit cliché, but it worked."
"It was so close," I panted.
"Maybe too close."
I swallowed hard.
"I-I think everyone did great," Canada said, smiling and blushing a bit.
But then it went silent.
What are we supposed to do now?
Is something supposed to happen?
What...What if I was too late?
Did I grab the note a few seconds too late?
Exhaustion took over finally, and the lack of oxygen is enough to make me nauseated. None of us have had food or water or sleep, and we ran all night, so of course we'd be tired.
But that last dash I did really took the cake. My body is on fire and I can't breathe.
I stepped forward, but then dizziness hit me. My step turned into a stumble and I fell forward, losing consciousness.

Romano's P.O.V

I gasped a bit once I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and I saw that other guy jump a bit, wincing as if he is in pain, too.
The little boy standing near me sighed. "You lucky bastards."
Right then, my vision faded into black and I felt tugged, tugged backwards and towards that bed, towards that one body...
The breath was knocked out of me and the pain is immense. I would have screamed, but I can't. I can't breathe, it's like I'm drowning.
My vision swirled with all sorts of colors, images, and my ears flooded with voices and sounds.
Emotions swirled inside me, and the numbness dissipated, leaving me with the pain and the feelings.
It was like everything and anything possible was going through me all at once. It's like I'm dead, but I'm not. I can't understand what I feel, I can't comprehend the images flashing in my head. There's nothing, but then there's everything. Light, but darkness. Good and bad, possible and impossible.
Then everything was red, then gray, and faded into black.
There's nothing, I'm floating in an empty space, it feels like.
Then, I began to fall. It felt never-ending, eternal, and I just keep going faster and faster and...
Then I see a light. It's distant, but it's there.
There's...a girl. She's smiling at me, her blue eyes are bright as they stared into mine, and then she lifted her hand out towards me.
She looks familiar, and yet, I don't know who she is. What's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue...
Something thudded within my chest, and then my eyes shot open.
I gasped a deep breath, and then my vision came to me, light is consuming me.
I'm staring up at a ceiling, and I'm laying on something soft. A bed?
I feel so exhausted, I didn't want to move. I just want to close my eyes and...
Then the pain struck me. I gasped again and abruptly sat up, trying to find the source of this pain, but then I saw the wound on my leg.
What happened?
I blinked and looked at my surroundings. I'm in an old bedroom of some sort.
Oh, wait...
I remember it all now.
My eyes widened and I looked down at myself.
My shirt is still ripped open, but my chest is clear. There is no symbol carved into it, not even a scratch. Like it was never there in the first place.
Does...this mean they did it? They found all eight notes?
I blinked a few more times. I'm alive. We're all still alive.
"Holy shit..." I whispered, but then I noticed something and looked to my right to see Veneziano laying next to me, sleeping, or at least that's what it looks like.
I turned to face him and I grabbed his shoulders to shake him. "Veneziano! Veneziano, wake up!"
"Eh...huh...?" He murmured, his eyes fluttering open, and then a yawn escaped his lips. "Fratello?"
"We're fucking alive!" I exclaimed, and I couldn't stop the wide smile from forming on my face.
He stared up at me in confusion for a moment, but then his eyes widened and he sat up quickly, looking around, then down at himself, looking at his hands and feeling around his face.
The symbol that was once carved into his chest has vanished also.
We're free.
He smiled the biggest smile I've seen from him yet, and then he launched himself at me, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
"Oh, fratello! We did it! We're alive! I'm so happy right now!"
I grumbled a bit, but I accepted his embrace, too relieved to give a shit about pride right now.
Soon, he let go and he didn't stop smiling at me, but then I felt something strange, unnerving.
My eyebrows furrowed at the familiar chill that crept up my spine and I turned my head to see, standing at the edge of the bed we're sitting on, two familiar kids.
"You survived," Alexis said, though she didn't sound very happy.
"Damn..." The boy whined. "Not fair!"
I couldn't help but to make a victorious smirk. "Looks like we beat your little game, huh?"
"Yeah, you win., Alexis sighed, but then she smiled. "But you might wanna get out of here, and soon. He might come back, and maybe he would want to play another round."
Shit, that's not good.
I grabbed Veneziano's arm and we got off of the bed, and I gritted my teeth at the throbbing pain in my leg, but that pain actually felt nice compared to the numbness I felt not too long ago.
"Come on, let's get out of here." I muttered, walking, or more like limping, towards the door.
Veneziano followed me, but the two kids just watched after us, not bothering to follow.
"We'll meet again," Alexis said, giggling. "See you then."
I don't like the sound of that.
"Later, fuckers." The boy snarked.
I growled under my breath, grabbed the doorknob, and then walked out of the room.
Ahead of us is another room, but to our left is a staircase.
I immediately headed for the staircase, but then I gasped in pain when I took my first step down and I almost stumbled forward, but I grabbed ahold of the railing.
"Fratello!" Veneziano called, grabbing my other arm and setting it over his shoulder. "Let me help you."
I sighed, but didn't protest. Right now, I just really want to get out of here.
And then I want to see Rosalie. After that, we can get off of this damned island.
Veneziano helped me make our way down the stairs, but it still hurt like hell.
He helped me to the front door, and when we opened it, I almost expected to see empty blackness, but instead, we see a porch that lead outside. Outside, and into the woods, which is bright and green now that the sun's up. It looks so much more welcoming, and it doesn't feel like there's something lurking there, waiting for us to find it.
We limped our way off the porch, and then I felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my soul. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, no longer feeling pressured.
"Alright, now let's find the others and get the fuck out of here," I muttered and Veneziano nodded in agreement.
But where are they?

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