Chapter 15 - Go Back

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Rosalie's P.O.V

"Where were you guys when Romano was taken?" America asked me as we made our way out of the hotel.
"Why does it matter? Slender Man took him, leaving no trace except for the stupid note." I mumbled.
I don't mean to sound depressing, but I can't really help it. I shouldn't let my spirits down, because I don't want to drag the others' down with me. Slender Man took Italy, and now, Romano.
Who will he take next? What if...
I shook myself. No, we will find those two. We'll find them before it's too late...
The image of finding Romano, bloody and lifeless, knowing I may never see him makes me feel ill with despair.
But not now. I need to keep it together so we can find those two, then the last four notes.
"Well, maybe we could find something that could clue us where Der Großmann could be keeping Italy and Romano." Prussia suggested with a little shrug.
I sighed, but then pointed towards the woods where Romano and I were not long ago. "Over there, he was taken in the woods. Maybe we can find something there, a clue."
We began walking towards that area, and I led them to the place.
"Why were you two out in the woods?" England asked, catching up with my pace to walk next to me.
I bit my lip, but I began to explain to them. "Well, when Roma and I found the note, we found out Slender Man was behind us, as the note said. We were in a corridor, and the only way out was to go back, so we were kinda stuck. Then Romano had the idea that we should walk backwards, then run when we had the chance...I think we got a bit too close to Slender," I winced at the memory of that cold chill.
"I don't remember much after that. The next thing I knew I was waking up, realizing that Romano was carrying me as he ran from the hotel. He told me I had passed out, so he grabbed me and ran."
I swallowed hard, holding back the tears that are threatening to form. "It wasn't long until I saw Slender behind Romano. I-I told him 'behind you', and he turned around and..." My voice trailed off, but then I continued, taking deep breaths to hold back an upcoming sob.
"A...horrible noise exploded in my head and it was painful...I ended up falling to the ground. I...don't know how long I was there, but soon the noise and pain went away, and then I got up, looking around for Roma only to find out he's not there anymore..." I couldn't hold my sob back this time. "Then I found the fucking note. I wish I didn't-...I wish I just grabbed his arm and ran, b-but..."
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to see America.
"It's not your fault, Rosalie." He told me softly.
I didn't reply, I just looked down, then realized I'm dragging my feet. I regained my composure.
But it is my fault. If I had just acted faster, if I had just told him to run, he wouldn't have been caught. But enough of that. I need to focus.
We walked a bit deeper into the woods, but not too deep. Those of us with flashlights are waving the beams around, but of course, not looking around too much.
Soon enough, I found the spot Romano and I were at. I can see the dents in the grass and dirt where I had fell.
I pointed at it with the flashlight. "Here, this is where we were at."
"That's where you collapsed?" England asked, also noticing the disturbance in the grass, and I nodded.
America exhaled heavily, brushing his head through his hair as he looked around.
"I'm still wondering why nobody was at the hotel," Canada said softly. "I mean, they were all there before...before we passed out."
I nodded. "I'm still confused about that as well, but we can worry about that later."
He nodded also, but then a few of the others turned to me, their eyebrows furrowed.
"Who are you talking to, aru?" China asked me.
Canada and I both sighed heavily.
"What are you talking about? She's obviously talking to Canada!" Prussia said, looking at them like they're crazy.
At least Prussia sees him...I thought with a small huff. I decided not to listen to their bickering as I looked deeper into the woods. It's still hard to see, it being dark, and despite the moonlight. I still get a bad feeling from these woods though.
Knowing that the creature lurking in these woods is the one who already took two people, two people in which we may never see again...
No! Rosalie, stop! No more negative thoughts. No bueno.
"I don't see anything that's useful," Spain murmured softly, rubbing his arm as he looked down. His face is still pale and his usually bright green eyes are darkened with worry and fear.
"I guess all we can really do now is find the remaining notes and hope to find Italy and Romano," France said. I've noticed that he hasn't really talked much, not since we ran into the hotel. I studied him, and realized how frightened he looks. He was almost taken by Slender, too.
Japan nodded and spoke, pulling me back into focus. "That seems best."
I pressed my lips tightly together, then followed the others as they led the way out of the woods.
Once we passed the last of the trees, Prussia turned to us, hands on the back of his head.
"So...what do we do now?" He asked.
"We find the notes and we find Italy and Romano," England told him, sighing with a bit in irritation.
Prussia rolled his eyes. "Nein. I mean, where do we go next? Where do you guys think another note could be?"
A few eyes landed on me and others landed on Germany.
We both shook our heads, letting them know we have no clue. I may have a little more understanding of what's happening, but I don't know a lot. I like that they try to rely on me, but I'm not any more helpful in this situation than Germany is.
China sighed. "I guess we should just keep walking until we find something, aru."
"If we do that, we would take forever." England stated, shaking his head. "We need a plan."
"But what?" France asked, looking at England. "What can we do? Do you have any idea where to go?"
England shook his head again. "As much as I'd love to say that I do, I don't."
"Then, let's just start walking." Japan said. "We don't know this area very well, so Slender has another advantage. If any of you have an idea, be sure to speak up."
America nodded. "Yeah, I agree. Let's walk and maybe we'll find something.
I nodded too, and we began walking. My feet still ache from walking around for so long, but I can't stop now. Knowing that Italy and Romano are probably out there somewhere, I have to stay strong. Like Romano said earlier.
As we traveled along the beach, thoughts ran through my head about today, ever since I woke up in the woods...
I remembered that horrible cabin. The disgusting maggots, that creepy child's room, that room with the body...
I gasped a bit, my eyes widening. The child's room! I remember seeing papers laying across the floor that looked like these notes.
Maybe those papers are more notes?
Wait, that can't be right...there were about four, or five, notes in there. All in one room. It's too easy.
I mentally shook my head. I mean, we haven't exactly found an actual note at that cabin, except for the one we found just outside of it.
Well...we did just find two notes in the hotel, which I didn't think would happen...
Maybe those papers I saw in that kid's are notes. Could they...?
"Hey, America." I spoke up, breaking the silence that had filled the air.
We're still walking, so America just slowed down a bit so he could walk beside me.
"What's up?" He asked.
"The sky," I managed to mumble.
He grinned. "At least you're not too gloomy to make lame jokes. Anyway, you needed somethin'?"
I looked up at him, our gazes meeting. "You...think there could be a note at that cabin?"
His little grin drooped and his eyebrows furrowed, but his eyes swirled with possibility.  "Maybe...Hey, didn't you say you and Iggy found a dead girl in there?"
I nodded. "Yeah. I'm hoping that, if there is a note, it wouldn't be in that room. Or in the kitchen..."
He tilted his head. "What's wrong with the kitchen?"
I bit my lip, shuddering when I remembered the sight and the smell. "I...guess you'll find out. If we ever get there."
I managed to look up towards the woods. Deep inside those trees, somewhere, is the cabin. But I'm not so sure if I want to go back into those trees, risking us getting lost again.
"Hey, Iggy." America called softly, grabbing England's attention.
The Brit sighed. "I told you many times before to stop calling me that, you git."
America didn't bother replying to that. "Rosalie has an idea."
England's eyebrows furrowed, then his emerald gaze met mine. "What would that be?"
I bit my lip before I answered. "Do you think there could be a note in the cabin?"
His eyes widened a bit. "That could be very possible."
"What're you guys talking about?" Prussia asked, turning to us along with the others.
England exhaled softly, looking at the ground in thought before he turned to face the others. "I think we're going back into the woods."
"Wh-What!?" China exclaimed, his face already going pale. "I don't want to go back in there, aru!"
"No way! I'm not going back in there!" Prussia said with an aghast expression.
Germany shook his head. "Nein. We really shouldn't."
"I-I don't think that's a very good idea..." Canada disagreed quietly.
"Why do you think we should go back in there?" Japan questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Well, we think we know where another note could be," America said. "Rosalie, England, and I found a cabin in the woods and we think there could be a note in there."
"I remember seeing a cabin," France spoke up. "Of course, Canada and I never went in because we had seen you three running from it." He waved his fingers towards England, America, and I.
"Well, you really think a note could be there, then I think we should go and find it." Japan said with a nod.
"Do either of you know how to get to it from here?" Russia asked.
We kept silent, which makes our answer obvious.
"Well, fuck..." Prussia muttered.
"If we wanna go, I think we should go, like, right now." America said, his voice shaky. He pointed past Russia and we looked to see, not far from us, Slender Man.
As usual, the moment I saw him, a headache formed in my head, but what's new is the murmuring and buzzing noise I've been hearing are louder now. If I listen closely, I can hear screams and groans of people and children...
"Let's go!" Spain said, and then we did just that, but we ran straight for the trees.
I didn't want to look back to see if Slender was still there, because I know he is. He always is.
We zipped through the trees, dodging sticks, roots, and logs. I always had to check to make sure everyone was in sight. It's darker in these woods than it was last time, so it's very easy to get lost.
The whispers and the headache faded away, so I knew it's safe to stop running, for now. I slowed to a stop and the others copied the action, breathing heavily to catch their breaths.
"Well, we're lost again." Prussia stated bluntly. I managed to glance back, and thank goodness I didn't see Slender, but I did notice that we can no longer see past the trees.
We are indeed lost, again.
"So...we just walk around aimlessly until we find the cabin?" England asked and America nodded.
"I guess so."
"This is gonna suck," I muttered.
"Hey, it was your idea," America told me as we began walking again.
"I know that, but we have to be sure, right?"
He sighed. "Yeah, I guess."

Romano's P.O.V

"What do you mean by 'game'?" I asked, but then the next thing I knew is that the little boy with the knife ran right at me, knife in position to stab me.
I was able to dodge him, but he turned swiftly and was able to make a slice at my waist.
I hissed and the children laughed, some hopping in excitement. The boy smirked, his head twitching as it tilted.
My hand covered the cut, which began to weep with blood. The boy lunged at me again and I gritted me teeth.
I brought my hands out and I shoved him away. Or, well, I tried to.
Just before my hands could touch him, he vanished and reappeared farther from me.
I growled. "If this is what you brats call a game, then I say you're cheating."
"Am I?" The boy asked, titling his head again.
"Si, you fucking are!"
"That's weird," the boy said, putting his hands behind his back innocently and walking over to me. "'Cause I don't recall there being any rules."
"Great," I mumbled. Then the boy dashed at me again and this time, the blade buried deep into the thigh of my leg.
I cried out, about to push the boy away, but he just teleported away again, leaving the knife stuck in my leg.
I gritted my teeth as I grabbed the handle, then pulled the blade out. I ended up falling to my knees as my blood stained my jeans.
The kids are all laughing now. They must be really fucking crazy to laugh at this like it's actually funny.
The bloody knife is tight in my grip. My eyes watered at the pain and it blurred my vision.
My other hand pressed tightly to my wound and my warm blood seeped through my fingers.
The boy who stabbed me continues to smile, watching as I tremble under the mercy of the pain.
"You little bastard..." I growled through my teeth.
"You little bastard," the boy mimicked with a snicker.
"Shut up!"
"Shut up!"
"You piece shit!" I was about to stand, but the pain in my leg hammered me back down and I growled.
"You piece shit." The boy continued to mimic me  as the other children snickered and giggled.
"You better quit or I swear I'll wipe that smug-ass grin right off your little face," I threatened with a glare. This kid just loves to irritate the hell out of me.
He only laughed. "Ha! Let me see you try to touch me."
I gritted my teeth. I ain't saying it out loud, but he's right. I don't think I can even stand with this fucking wound and even if I did try to touch him, he'll only vanish from my reach.
"Fuck you," I muttered, my hand holding the knife clenched so hard it almost strained, but I don't care.
I glared at the boy, who only smiled back at me. Still, his resemblance to Veneziano is frightening. The hair, the cheekbones...
I swallowed hard, my breathing a bit heavy and shaky from the throbbing in my leg. Each throb pulsed with blood that pushed through my fingers.
Then, I spoke up.
"Where's Veneziano?"

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