Chapter 22 - If You Want To Get Out Alive

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England's P.O.V

The moment the word escaped my lips, the atmosphere pulsated around us.
Then Slender Man faded into the shadows, but I know we will see him again soon. Very soon.
I turned towards Italy and Romano. "Will you two mind coming with us?'
Romano shook his head. "We can't step foot outside of this place."
"Si..." Italy affirmed with a small nod.
I looked at the others to see them looking completely shocked and terrified.
"What just happened!?" America exclaimed.
"He just...disappeared?" France asked, wide-eyed. "Without doing anything?"
"He'll be back," I told them, now walking over to them. "We need to leave."
"About time," America said, but I continued.
"I made a deal with him," I said and then they all gaped at me.
"You what, aru!?" China asked, looking utterly aghast.
"We need to find the last three notes before the sun rises," I said. "And when we do, we get Italy and Romano back and we're free."
Rosalie stared up at me with wide eyes of shock, the first emotion I've seen from her for the past several minutes.
"But how...?" Her voice trailed off, looking down at Romano's body.
"Wait, are you saying Italy's-" Germany was about to ask before I cut him off. By the fear and worry in his gaze, I know exactly what he was about to ask.
"No, they're not dead. Not yet," I said. "Their souls have been separated from their bodies, but they're not dead."
"What would happen if we don't find the notes before sunrise?" Japan asked me, looking determined and ready.
"Then our souls belong to him," I answered and America's jaw dropped.
"Why did you make a deal like that!?" He shouted, which is obnoxiously and unnecessarily loud, but I answered him.
"If I didn't, then we most likely wouldn't get those two back," I told him. "But right now, we need to find the three notes before the sun rises."
"It's all or nothing," France murmured.
"When does the sun rise?" Russia asked.
"How the hell do we know?" Prussia said exasperatedly. "We can't tell!"
"Would we...really get them back?" Rosalie asked, her blue eyes meeting my gaze.
I nodded. "If we succeed, then we will."

Rosalie's P.O.V

When I heard that, I decided to look down at Romano one last time.
"Then we should get out there and find those notes!" Prussia exclaimed.
As much as I don't want to leave, I know that we need to do this.
For Italy, and for Romano...
"Do you really think you can save him?"
Shut up! I mentally screamed at that irritating voice in my head. At least I have a chance!
I bit my lip as I wiped my cheeks, which are still wet from tears, and gently set Romano's head down. Then I stood up and faced everyone.
I gave a small nod. "Let's go."
"That's the spirit!" America said, slapping my back, which almost made me fall over, but I managed to keep my balance and make a small smile as I felt hope.
I can save him...!
"Yes?" England asked, turning to face nothing. It was silent for a few moments, and then he nodded.
"I'll tell them," he said.
I felt my eyebrows furrow, but then England turned back around and looked at Germany.
"Italy wants to tell you that he's okay, and that he wants to you be strong. For everyone."
Germany blinks in surprise, but is unable to say anything. Then, England turns to me.
"Rosalie, Romano wants you to know that he loves you and that you need to be strong, too. He knows you can do this."
Now I understand why Germany fell speechless, because I can barely find my own words. I know that England sometimes talks to things that aren't there...but is Romano a ghost of some kind?
Then what he said sunk in and my eyes filled with tears.
"Tell him I love him, too," I managed to whisper.
England smiled softly. "He can hear you, there's no need for me to tell him."
I bit my quivering lip to hold back the sob I feel rise in my throat, but I hiccuped and sniffled, my tears spilling over.
"W-We'll find those notes, Roma. And then you can come back, o-okay?" I managed to say through my quivering lips, wiping away my tears. I know I'm talking into thin air, but if what England said is true..."I'll stay strong. We can do this."
Then I started feeling chilly and I shivered. It's not a bad kind though. A soothing presence near me...
I felt confused, but then I heard America speak up.
"Well, if we really need to get those notes before the sun rises, then we need to go find them right now!"
"Da, we should hurry." Russia said, nodding.
"D-Didn't you guys want to see if a note could be at the airport?" Spain asked.
"Yeah!" America exclaimed. "Let's get our friends back!"
"Ja!" Prussia exclaimed just as courageously.
I nodded, but then I looked at Romano's body.
"I...don't think we should just leave him like this, though..." I said softly.
With that said, America walked over, then knelt next to Romano. He put his arms under Romano's shoulders and knees, then lifted his body.
Romano's limbs fell limply, and his head lulled back, setting onto America's shoulder.
England came over and lifted his hand over Romano's face, then closed his eyelids.
The sight of him still tears me apart, but it helps to know that there's a chance to get him back.
"Let's go," Japan said and we nodded, then hurried as we made our way back towards the hatch we came in from.
I kept by America's side as he held Romano. We climbed up the small staircase and into the outdoors. I took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. It's still dark outside, but the moon has moved across the sky, a reminder that time is passing.
"Should we go into the cabin again?" Spain asked. "Because, I mean...he should be set on a bed, you know?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
And with that, we all went around to the front, and then walked up the porch.
Of course, none of us are so willing to go back in there, but we have to, 'cause it would be disrespectful to just leave Roma's body in the basement...
However, Russia opened the front door, and we walked in the eerily quiet cabin. Canada closed the door behind us.
"Huh?" England asked, staring into thin air in front of us.
"What?" I asked, but England didn't respond to me.
His expression saddened, then he looked over at Germany. " may want to follow me."
Germany's eyebrows furrowed, but he followed England as said Brit walked towards the hallway, past the kitchen, and to the last room.
"What are they doing?" Prussia asked, breaking the moment of silence.
"I...don't know." France murmured, looking about as confused as the rest of us look.
It was silent for a few more minutes, but then England and Germany walked out.
But now Germany is holding the body of Italy.
I gasped along with a few others when we saw his lifeless form.
Germany's face revealed no expression, but his eyes...his eyes showed familiarity and sadness...this must be familiar to him. How?
Oh, yeah...back at the mansion...
The two walked over to us, and everyone is silent.
"We...should set them on a bed upstairs," Japan was the first to speak up, but his brown eyes revealed his despair.
Germany and America nodded, then headed towards the stairs. No one followed, so I decided to come with them.
America was about to go for the child's room, but I stopped him.
"Uh, not that room..." I said, stumbling with my words. "The other bedroom is...safer, I'd say."
"Well...alright." America nodded. Germany kept silent.
I headed towards the bedroom that's fairly normal compared to the child's bedroom. I grabbed the knob and opened it, then we walked in.
Germany and America walked up to the bed, setting the bodies of Italy and Romano on it.
Germany closed Italy's lifeless eyes, then set his hand on Italy's forehead.
"We'll come back for you, Italy." He promised.
"Hell yeah we will," America nodded and grinned softly.
I bit my lip, glancing one more time at Italy and Romano in a silent "see you soon", then spoke up.
"Alright, let's go find those notes."
Once we walked our way out of the cabin, I bet you can never guess who was within the trees, just waiting to see us.
As usual, a headache formed and the voices grew louder.
"Run!" England shouted, but then Russia called out.
"Wait!" He said and we stared at him. He was looking up at the moon, seeming to be deep in thought.
Then he pointed towards a direction. "We need to go that way. The airport is in north part of island, da?"
"Good thinking, dude!" America exclaimed and began running that direction, and so the rest of us did the same.
When I looked back to where Slender Man is, I noticed that he's closer.
I blinked and then looked ahead of me just in time to dodge a tree. I tripped over a root and I stumbled, but then quickly regained my balance and continued running. I looked around at the others to make sure we didn't lose each other.
I huffed, my legs are becoming sore again. They're sore from all the moving around today, but I need to push myself.
The voices died down some so we knew we're a bit safer, for now. We slowed to a walk, panting.
"How...How would we be able to find the next note?" Prussia asked. "I mean, the airport is small, but..."
"We just keep searching," England said. "We have to get these three notes. Not only for Italy's and Romano's sake, but for the rest of us, too."
"For the world. Literally," I said with a sigh.
"Yeah..." America muttered, then his features brightened. "Wait, if I find the last note, would that mean I saved the world?"
"Uh...I guess," I said, grinning at the idea.
"Hell yeah! I'm gonna find that note like the hero I am!" He shouted, pumping his fist into the air.
England shook his head. "Of course that's what he'd be thinking about."
"'s good that you're in high spirits," Canada said, smiling softly at America.
"You guys know how long it'll take to get out of these woods?" Prussia asked.
"Nope," America responded.
"If we keep going straight ahead, we'll find it." Russia said and I nodded.
"Sooner or later..."
And then, once we escape, everything will go back to normal...

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