~Weird Yet Mysterious~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

Once Jasper had sent off, I just remained staring at the parking lot. Where the heck is my dad and why didn't he even tell me where he'll go, he wasn't usually this forgetful and weird sometimes, he's usually a very hyper but serious dad, he wouldn't forget anything nor tell me that he had just gone a walk because that is just too odd for him to say. Usually his excuses are very valid but these days... I don't think they are.

"Thalia" I almost jumped in shock when I suddenly heard my father's voice, I looked ahead but he wasn't there, I was hoping to see him walking towards me because one of his excuse are 'I was having a walk' which is still very odd to me. I think I was just imagining things so I turned around only to jump in surprise again, there before me, standing at the staircase was my father who looked at me as if i'm insane.

"Dad, you're here all along?" I furrowed my brows in which he also did the same, I shouted so many times earlier and yet he still didn't heard it? How come? He usually wakes up even if I whisper his voice from afar, he's not also too sleepy.

"Yes, is there any problem with that?" Dad raised his brow and slowly walked down from the stairs, something tells me that he's trying to cover something up. I just need to know what and why.

"No, I mean I kept on shouting your name earlier hoping that you would hear me and come down here" I uttered, he looked slightly surprised for a while but he was still composed and all. I walked closer to him and gave him a tight hug, he made me worry for nothing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't heard you I was still sleeping" Then this excuse made me confused, everything he's saying is too confusing and all. It's feels like he was lying to me this whole time and he's still not planning to tell me the truth, sometimes I could feel something odd about him but I just kept on shaking it off.

"But you could easily get awake if there's someone shouting your name, that doesn't makes sense" when I was a child, I used to whisper his name as I kept on having a nightmare then he will wake up right after I utter his name. So him telling me that he is sleeping would create a whirlwind of questions in my mind.

"You know I'm getting old Thalia, of course everything will change" I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to read his eyes, I usually do this whenever I doubt a person especially when they're acting weird. It's kinda confusing though, he seems to be telling the truth but his eyes says otherwise, it was shaking but firm, like he's giving me a glare.

"It's a bit sad, Jasper was here a while ago, hoping you see you here. He actually told me how much he wanted to meet you" I smiled as I reminisced on how happy Jasper was when he told me that he's also looking forward to meet my dad, I think they would get along well. But I don't think fate wanted them to meet right now.

"So he can already ask your hand in marriage?" Dad chuckled as he said those words, why did he suddenly turned into a teasing father when a while ago he was just telling me how he didn't hear me calling his name while he was asleep, where did he even get that hypothesis?

"Dad" I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest

"Have you eaten?" He asked as we slowly walked towards the kitchen.

"Hmm, Mrs. Lee told me to eat there, she also advised me to stay there yesterday since it's already late"

"Even your mother in law is opening up to you huh?" Dad grinned while he took his seat at the very corner and started to eat, I didn't even noticed the food in the kitchen while I was roaming the house to find my dad earlier. I think I must've been to engrossed in finding him that I forgot to notice anything else.

"Dad, she's not my mother in law, she just wants me to call her mom that's all" I explained, actually I always wanted to have a mother, I yearned so much of a mother's love because according to dad, she died while she was giving birth to me. I always wanted to have a mother, she would always be with me the whole time as I cry myself to tears because there's someone bullying me, she would always be there to tie my hair whenever she wants to. And I'm seeing Jasper's mom as mine, she would always wants to take care of me no matter what.

"Why would she even let you call her mom if she doesn't like you for her son?" Dad asked, I heaved a sigh and pulled my seat away from the table so I could seat beside dad, he even has the time to retort a question back at me. Not wanting to talk about this topic any further, I just decided to keep quiet as dad kept on eating.

"He seems to be a good person" Out of a sudden he started to talk, I raised my head to see him  still eating but he was looking at me as if he's expecting an answer coming from me.

"And a handsome man too" He added, then I instantly knew that it was Jasper he's talking about.

"Dad" I narrowed my eyes at him again, he really likes to taunt me huh?

"What? You actually look good together"

"Dad, stop telling me that" I shooked my head and I heard him saying that, he wants to see me flustered just like Jasper. I think my dad and Jasper would really get along very well once they meet.

"Why would I lie? Besides, it's just my opinion between the both of you" Yeah, opinion or not, I'm still getting embarrassed

"You don't need to tell me that, you're too weird today, you're acting like a whole different person" I added, trying to tell him how weird he is today.

"I just wanted my daughter to be happy, and if your happiness is on Jasper, I'm glad he's going to be a part of your life"

"Those are wise words dad, but that doesn't change the fact the you're still acting weird" I uttered as I placed the plate at the sink, I need to know what's happening to my dad, he's acting very weird in which really makes me so worried. He's hiding something from me.

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