~Baseball Game~

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Thalia's P.O.V.

I sat on the couch feeling really really nervous not knowing what to do today, I felt nervous, excited and a bit angsty today that my palms started sweating and my head starts hurting. I was dressed in a baseball like uniform with a snapback placed on top of my head, I tied my hair into a pony tail.

"Hey! Looking good sis!" I turned my head at the staircase and saw my brother and his fiancé walking down the stairs, I don't have any idea why they always have to go to his room just for them to talk... no one knows what the heck they're doing inside his room...

"Thank you Flint oppa, I really nervous today I don't know what to do" I spoke and stood up from the couch, I feel really nervous but since I know they're all going to watch me there.... nope, I'm still as nervous as before.

"Well I can't do anything to soothe you Thalia but it is really a bit burdensome to throw a pitch in a baseball game, you are to carry not just our name but also the whole nation as you throw the ball"

And yes, I will throw a pitch in the baseball game today. Usually kpop idols are the one who's invited to throw a pitch in every game, the Korean government and the sports committe agreed to have simple and small celebrations like this, but for them to invite an heir is really really rare.

Another thing is that I felt really really irritated a bit to my brother as he just announced, well told me that I'm going to throw a pitch last night! According to him he was already emailed and was informed that I was chosen to be that special guest a week ago! And he just told me that last night? He knows I always hate to be rushed.

"So make sure to correct your posture everytime and aim the bat so the ball could fly properly" He added, well he's a really good baseball player according to mom and I also saw some of his picture and medals on his room.

"Is this an orientation regaurding baseball? Let me just tell you that Thalia will just throw the ball and she'll not enter the field being a player. Stop pressuring her in your favorite sport" Then I suddenly heard Jasper, we looked at the stairs and saw him also walking doen from the stairs.

What's with stairs these days? And where on earth did he even go upstairs?... did he go to my room?!

"I just want the game to be perfect so it's worth watching for, I would really kill myself if our team lose" Well that's understandable, a baseball player wouldn't really want to lose.

"Well then I express my deep condolences for Mr and Mrs. Hong's family for-"

"Quit playing with me, I'm not as calm as I am just like yesterday"

Here we go again, the boys are fighting again and we girls don't know nothing but laugh whenever they do so. I think I'm going to really get used to this.

"So, are we ready to go? I think we're going to miss the game if we'll continue talking like this here" Nathalia unnie spoke while holding her fiancé's hand.

"Just what my boss said, we need to go to the stadium for Thalia to familiarize herself with the correct posture also, someone will guide you how to throw the ball infallibly"

"Then off we should go, I'll wait for your father and will just ride on Flint's car. You should arrive there first before all of us would, we don't want you to be late in your first pitch" Mom then spoke... where she also came from the stairs... that stairs..

"We'll see you there mom, I think Jasper's parents are also coming today. Did they mentioned something about going out?" I remembered Jasper's mom telling me that they're also going to attend the baseball game because of me.

"Yes they affirmed earlier, let's just meet each other so for the mean time let's get inside my car and drove towads the stadium arena" Jasper spoke as we then finally went out of the house and then drove towards the arena.

Once we arrived, I was taught on how to throw the ball properly and with proper posture. After a few minutes, when the baseball players and the opponents are already done, the game started and I already threw the pitch.

"You did great" Jasper engulfed me in a really warm hug and congratulated me by whispering on my ear, I smiled and pulled back from the hug andjust wrapped my arms on his neck.

"Thank you, I was really nervous and freaking inside to death"

"What's important is that you made all of us proud, accepting to be a pitch thrower isn't a very easy thing so I really commend you a lot" He spoke, we remained on the grassy field for 10 more minutes a we watched the game and cheered for our team!

"We're going to leave tomorrow, let's go to Japan I'll show you different beautiful sceneries there" Jasper suddenly leaned near me and whispered in my ear, I turned to him in question but he just smiled at me handsomely...

"We're going to leave our parents here?"

"They'll all come with us but we're going to get separated by the time the plane lands on the ground, we'll go to Osaka while my and your parents are going to go to Tokyo"

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