The big four united (fanfic)

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Hey guys I know this is completely different from what I wrote before but this is the other side of the fandom I'm in. Hope you enjoy! (Btw the big four aka rise of the brave tangled dragons includes: Jack Frost from rise of the guardians, Merida from Brave, Rapunzel from Tangled and Hicccup from How to train your dragon)


Chapter 1

Jacks POV:

The moon looks so beautiful tonight I thought to myself. Bright and bold, clear and calming.

The whole night in General was different, the way the wind blew lifting me of the ground was different. It almost seemed as if it were alive drifting me back in the direction of home. Animals were making barely any sound as if not to ruin the peace this starry night brought.

I brought my hand to my hair and ran it through the breeze flowing aimlessly around my fingers.

Landing on the ground I looked around, the crisp leaves on the alder tree were dead and lifeless. Noiselessly falling to the ground but the rabbits were crunching away stocking up their food for winter that was coming tonight.

Picking up my staff I waved it around causing frost to appear on the bark of the trees and the leaves that had managed to cling onto that last piece of summer that was now gone. With another wave of my staff I froze the nearby lake and with one last swift movement I made delicate snowflakes drop from the sky. Taking off higher I stood midair looking down at my work and took off back home again.

Ever since I had become a guardian I was finally accepted, kids could see me and I felt... whole. I had my own realm just like North had the Pole and Bunny had his along with tooth and her palace.

It wasn't too big nor was it too small it was just right. It consisted of a house; a mansion more like and a big forest of which I would roam in my free time or when I needed to clear my head and that's where I was at this very moment.

I soon came across my house, it was a beautiful place but I was so lonely. Living on my own. I wanted her with me. But.... But she doesn't believe in me which means she can't see me. She has green eyes and a small face but around 100ft of hair. I chuckled to myself thinking about her and how her hair would drag behind her.

Gently returning back to the ground I walked to the door of my house and slumped down on the chair.

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