Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Merida's POV (200 years before)

When I finally awoke my hunger was gone. I felt infinite like nothing could stop me, I felt whole as if I had everything in the world but most of all I felt.. Alone... It was night and I could see the sky above me even though I was in a pit. The stars twinkled and moon shone brighter than ever before as I sat there in awe a voice spoke out to me. It was like a voice you hear in your head but you know it's not there and you know you're not crazy. It didn't have a gender quality but it was more closer to man. His voice was filled with wisdom but at the same time it was complex yet simple like my father was speaking to me. Merida, you died in pain and hunger tonight, the worst way to die. You have proved yourself to be strong and I have given you this life after death. You no longer need food or water. You will never be too hot or too cold your life will suit you however your job is too give people the will to live. You must care for the people of this earth, conjure up anything to help them go on and not give up. Goodnight Merida.'

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