2) The day of surprise

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  • Dedicated to That someone I havn't met yet

I woke up the next day and started digging in my closet  for some thing to wear, "Wow I havn't wore that in a while" I said holding my like-new black dress with circles all around it, pink and blue circles, put matching shoe and left my wavy black hair in a messy bun, put my Fergie perfume,  and went down for breakfast.

I don't usually take alot of care of my look when going to school but  because it's the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL,  were everyone come to school like a model, so why me? right?. Once I was down stairs I started   putting  some coco choco chips " a local cereal" in a bowl,  pour some milk and sat down on a coach waiting for my dad to get ready.

-"Finally! I finally saw you in a good shape, there must be something important that I have to know,.. Umm but guess what? I don't really want to know" Said Avril, my stepmom in a very sarcasm way   

But as usual I ignore all her shit, and keep on eating, I always say to myself I won't break my silence on someone like her

"Yup keep eating like a pig till you no longer fit the door" she added. I seriously felt like hitting her in the face but that would be animal abuse so I just ignored again because I'm not fat  i'm 121lbs  Avril is basically the worst step mom anyone can have, she cares only about two main things money and money, I'm pretty sure she married my dad because he is the co manager of the medical company "Johnson Pharma" and not because he loves her, I have no idea how he can't see the true her, but it's his life he can do whatever he want . 

My dad came, kissed Avril a goodbye kiss and rode the car with me in the back seat and headphones in my ears. once we reached the school my heart somehow started beating up fast! Result day, the day where I get to know If I can apply for the college I always dreamt of; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, A medical college in Norway. As soon as we reached to the head teacher  My dad nervously asked  how well I did and she replied with: Couldn't be better, A* in chemistry, biology, math, physics and A in accounting,  and Ict 

That made me day, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot, Norway HERE I COME!! I hugged my dad, and it felt weird I havn't hugged him in a long time, since he knew Avril in particular. -"Sir she not only did great in the exam,  but topped  all the other seniors" said Miss Nadah, my mexican head teacher.

"WHAT?" exclaimed my dad loudly, and I felt dizzy, really DIZZYYY

-"Just what you heard, sir, and as a result we are going to celebrate!, a BIG CRAZY PARTY at the end of this week to celebrate her great success with all seniors" said Miss Nadah, with a glowing smile 

-OH MY GOD!!! A party for me? ME??' That's wonderful Miss Nadah, thank you very much, that's spectatcular, very thoughtful of you..umm but I'm not really a party girl, I don't mean to sound harsh, But partying isn't my thing..really" I said shyly

-"Sun! what do you mean you don't party?' asked my dad with amazement.

-"NO, No, that's totally fine Dr.Magdy," said Miss Nadah to my father

she continued "We knew that Sun didn't attend any high school party and that's why we are preparing something wonderful, a special gift in that party, so you can come, take it and leave if you want, But sweetheart you get to dress perfectly, I repeat PERFECTLY!!'

-Did you say 'we; Miss Nadah? I questioned

'yeah dear, me and few other people in this school and outside" replied Miss Nadah winking her eyes in a very suspicious way

' Okay,,I'm excited for the gift" I Smiled reluctantly

once Ii got home I called  Joe and Lana, Mom  and shared that happy news, and they all replied with the same thing"Congratulation my lovely nerd"

Worth the change? (Westlife/ Mark Feehily Fan fiction) in progressWhere stories live. Discover now