9) Began again part two

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And to my surprise he started laughing.

I frowned not Knowing what to do. What on Earth did I do to deserve such treatment?

-Well then, Follow me. 

He then giggled and looked away. At that very moment I wished I could just run back home, wear something appropriate and come back again. I FEEL SOO OUT OF PLACE

He had no name tag on  so I wasn't sure what to call me. Regardless he was having a laugh looking at me. And I was angry with that attitude of his.

He finally stopped right infront of an office titled Manager, Knocked a couple of times and shorty afterword the manager said come in. 

Leaving me and returning to his job, I held the knob open and prepared my best 'Professional smile'.

The manager looked in his late thirties, green Punk hair and again a black shirt. 'Call me Kellin' was written everywhere on the wall behind him so I'd assume his name is Kellin?. 

-So, how can I help you, young lady? Cutting me from my thought he spoke 'Is it a complain against one of the staff? or something relating our return policy?'

I wanted to get that guy back there in trouble and complain to his manager but I'm looking for a job in here, therefore I should calm down and be polite

-'Um, neither.' I held my breathe and let it out along with 'I want to work here and I know what you might be thinking, but I can change my look it's not that hard of a matter'

-Why would you say so? We never judge anyone in here, its up to you we never ask anyone to change his/her look for us. But my question is, Why?'

I was thankful for the first part, and wanted to scream 'Because that mean guy laughed at me'  but then I didn't.

And for the second part, I didn't quite get his question. Why what? why would I want to work here? Didn't he just say he don't judge.Ugh I don't get people sometimes.

Noticing my confusion he explained

-I mean aren't you in school? or maybe college? They start in a week and only now are you asking for a job? What about your studies? Your family and social life? I don't mean to interfer in you personal life, but how can you manage all that once? you look what 17?

I didn't get offended by what he just said but I'd rather not speak about my personal life because right now I don't have one ..so I hid the truth up!

-'Um, I just moved here alone, and my parents are in my home country, I have no friends and no priority except for my studies. And yes I'm starting college in a couple of days so I'm 18. But  I can manage going to college and working at the same time.'

He was noding his head in understanding and then questioned

- Do you have any experience in accounting/cashiering? 

I shook my head 

-Have you ever worked in a shop before? 

I shook my head again. I couldn't lie because obviously he'd noticed how experienced-lss I am.

'Please, I'm a fast learner... I..really need the money to support myself financially and the job as well  to take my mind of things' I begged sorrowfully giving him my best 'puppy eyes'

-Don't give me that look. c'ommon!!

and after a moment of silence he continued

-Fine! I give up!! you're hired' 

-'REALLY? Wow thank you so much Sir, I'll do my best. I promise' I stated 

-But, your shifts is only four days a week, thurday and the weekend so you can study.  Because it'll be alot of pressure, dear. And about the salary is, 9 dollars  per hour enough?

-'Yes, thank you. That's very thoughtful of you Mrs...Kellin!'

-Welcome to the team.. what's your name?

'Sun, Sunrise'

-You're very lucky that I'm in a good mood, other wise we'd have done a real interview, Sun. Can I call you that?

-' Indeed lucky' and with that I left the job agreeing on starting  the next thursday, that is a week away with the word 'LUCKY' running through my mind. 


Compared to yesterday, I had a better luck with sleeping. Surprisingly there was no nighmares at all. And by nightmares I mean seeing Mark. I sat on the bed and wondered a bit what could he be doing right now. Did I pass his mind? Did he think of me? Did he wonder what could I be doing right now?  But if I did he would've called, oh but I got rid of my sim and I'm also far away from the city right now, so there's zero probability he'd find me. 

No Sun!! wake up, he is getting married for god sake I'm obviously the last thing running through his mind right now.

I should seriously stop and focus on my priorities right now and by that I started getting ready to visit the college.

As soon as I arrived I couldn't help but smiling. The college was huge- even though it lacked dorms and rooms for colleague- and looked pretty comfy. It had golden building and a huge clock at the top of it. The name 'Flingesteron Medical school' shined above in silvery black letters. I couldn't sustain my excitment and started to hurry inside and just like my expectations it was very organized. 

Every door held the name of the lecture and the professor along with the semister year and because I was excited to know the choices I have this year I went to the support room, gave my name and my id number and was soon welcomed with a timetable, a list of subjects and a brief map of the college.

There was Medicine, Human anatomy, cytology, histology, physiology, Pathology, Internal medicine Pharmacy, and Pharmacology & theraputics. Because my dad is a pharmacisit I immediately crossed the subjects related, in a no way do I want to be like my father. Physiology sounds fun, and so does the human anatomy. And as easy as that I picked another two subjects and my decision was made

After finding my lecture rooms, my locker and the libarary, I decided to give it off and have soemthing to eat in the cafeteria. And as soon as I reached there, I noticed  few people standing in the line ordering food and made my way behind them to get my turn as well.

As soon as the guy ahead of me took his food plate and was just about to walk away I moved forward quickly  because I was starving and couldn't take it anymore..but to my misfortune he turned to face me at the exact particular moment and BANGGG just like in cliche movie seen all his fries, burger and juice fell on my very white shirt and my light blue pants. And I fell to the back along

-I'm very sorry, let me help you please'

And as my eyes went up to the sound of his voice, I cursed my luck! or should I rather say unluck

It was him, the red highlighted hair dude from the store yesterday. And I knew then that we would surely meet more than just four times a week in Hot Topic

Well, I'm doomed


Thank you so much guys for reading. next chapter  will include more on Markus and our beloved Westlife member, I just need to give you guys an idea on what/how is she dealig with life right now. And also because that misterous dude will have a great role in our story and will meet Mark 

Quit spoiling already!! You'll find out more next chapter!!. Please vote and comment .

Thank you!!

Worth the change? (Westlife/ Mark Feehily Fan fiction) in progressWhere stories live. Discover now