6. Leaving home

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A/N Hey guys!! So, umm.. I just wanted to say that the goodbyes weren't so short, but if I wrote the whole goodbye thing it would take ages to write and read!! Hope you enjoy!!

3rd person's Pov
It seems that the zodiacs were pretty calm about the whole boarding school thing. However, they were pretty sad that they are not going to see their parents that often. Enough with this, the two weeks passed and now they all need to leave. So Miss Pegasus is going to pick them up. The boadring school was on a floating island, but it wasn't far from where they all lived.
*at Aries' house*
Aries' Mom: Don't forget to brush your teeth and be clean!! And don't play video games all day long!! *says in a worried tone hugging him really tightly*
Aries: Okay mom, I will.
Aries' Dad: And, of course, be careful.
Aries: *hugs both of them* I'll come at Christmas or even Halloween if I can!! Goodbye!!
*they leave with Miss Pegasus*
*at Taurus' house*
Taurus' younger brother: I'm not gonna miss ya!! *sticks tongue out to her stubbornly*
Taurus: Maybe you won't, but I will!! *also sticks tongue out to him*
Taurus' Dad: Okay, enough with you two fighting for once, we are supposed to say goodbye to Taurus!!
Taurus: *hugs all of them*
Taurus' Mom: Be careful, alright?? And call me as often as possible, please!!
Taurus: I will mom, goodbye!!
*they leave with miss Pegasus*
*at Gemini's house*
Gemini's mom: Please take care and visit us!! Wash yourself and be careful *blah blah blah*
Gemini: Mom, Im gonna be fine!!
Gemini's Mom: *hugs him*
Gemini's older sister: I'll miss you dumbass!! *hugs him*
Gemini's Dad: Don't let any girl distract you kid!! *jokes and they all laugh*
Gemini: I'll call every Saturday!! Bye!!
*he leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Cancer's house*
Cancer: *was in his mother's arms* MOOOM I DON'T WANNA LEAVEEE!!
Cancer's Mom: *patting his head* shhh... Just make sure you're safe, ok??😊
Cancer: I'll call you every day and we will talk on Skype all of us!! Right, dad??
Cancer's Dad: *smiles* okay son!!
Cancer's five-year-old sister: *hugs his legs*
Cancer: *hugs her back*Bye!!!
*he leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Leo's house*
Leo: I'll miss you guys. *hugs his family*
Leo's younger brother: Can I have your room??!!
Leo: You can, but if you break anything, you're done😁😁 okay??
Leo's Mom: We'll discuss that later. Make sure you come on Christmas!! You can bring your friends for dinner too!!
Leo: Got it!!
Leo's Dad: And remember, focus on your studies, right?? Don't pull pranks with Gemini and Sagittarius again!!
Leo: I can't promise anything, but I'll take care! *grins* *hugs all of them one last time* See ya guys!!
*he leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Virgo's house*
Virgo's Dad: Call us as often as you can, honey, ok??
Virgo: I will Dad, don't worry😊.
Virgo's older sister: Finally you leave!! The house will be finally silent!!
Virgo: Ohh shut up, I know you will miss me.😉
Her sister: *glares but hugs her*
Virgo's Mom: Awww look at you two!! You're not fighting for once!!
Virgo: I'll come at Halloween!! *hugs them one last time* bye!!!
*she leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Libra's house*
Libra's younger sister: I'll have your room!! *sticks tongue out*
Libra: Oohh come on!!!
Libra's younger brother (younger than Libra's sister): Don't worry Libra, I won't let her break anything!! *hugs her*
Libra: Thanks, Jimmy. I'll call everyday, alright?? And you can call me whenever you want!!
Libra's Mom: And of course you will take care and you will be careful. We discussed about these😉😉
Libra's Dad: *cough* boys *cough*
Libra: *rolls her eyes and smiles* I will. Don't worry!! *hugs them all* I'll call you when I arrive!! Bye!!
*she leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Scorpio's house*
Scorpio's older sister: I'm gonna miss you!!
Scorpio: Mehh *jokes ans hugs her sister*
Scorpio's Dad: Make sure you are alright and you will take care!!
Scorpio: I will, I will.
Scorpio's Mom: Did you pack all your stuff??
Scorpio: Yes I did!!😁 I guess I'm ready to go!! I'll miss you!! Bye!!
*she leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Sagittarius' house*
Sagittarius' Mom: Toothbrush??
Sagittarius: Check.
Sagittarius' Mom: Clothes??
Sagittarius: Check.
Sagittarius' Dad: Boxers??
Sagittarius: Ohh Dad, come onn😂😂*turns his head to his two-year-old sister Aria, who's eating* Will you miss me?? *makes puppy eyes*
Aria: *spits her food on his face* Yes!! *laughs evilly*
Sagittarius: At least its not on my clothes.. *goes to wash his face*
*returns* I guess I have to go.. *hugs his parents and ruffles his sister's hair* Goodbye!!!
*he leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Capricorn's house*
Capricorn's Dad: Please don't destroy anything. *facepalms*
Capricorn: *with his fingers secretely crossed behind his back* I won't!!😁
Capricorn's Mom: Call me when you arrive, sweety. *hugs him*
Capricorn: I will Mom. *turns to his younger by five years brother* Billy you can have my room if you want!!
Billy: VICTORY!!!! Thanks Cap!! *hugs him*
Capricorn: Goodbye!! *closes the door behind him, but pocks his head inside* For now *evil smirk* *closes the door*
*he leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Aquarius' house*
Aquarius' Mom: *yells outside her room* Aquarius!! Are you still sleeping honey???!!!!
Aquarius: *groans*
Aquarius' Mom: I'll call your brother to wake you up!!
Aquarius' brother: Here I come!!! *comes in her room with a glass of water* *throws the water at her*
Aquarius: OH MY GOD YOU'RE TERRIBLE!!! Whyyyy??
Aquarius' brother: You wouldn't get up.
Aquarius: Yeah.. Thanks *sarcasm is obvious* *goes to change*
*after changing*
Mom, dad and.. Alex.. I'll miss you *hugs them*
The others: We too!!
Aquarius: Bye!!
*she leaves with Miss Pegasus*
*at Pisces' house*
Pisces: *panicking* Did I take everything??? WHERE'S MY SUITCASE??
Pisces' Mom: Honey, don't worry, you're holding it.
Pisces: *realizes that she carries her suitcase* Oh right. I'll miss you all so much!! *hugs her parents*
Pisces' Dad: We will miss more!!
Pisces: I'll come at Halloween!! Bye!!
*she lives with Miss Pegasus*

A/N Hello.. Its me😂 guys, I'm extremely sorry that I didn't update this week and that this chapter might be boring... I promise it will get better. Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment and follow!!❤❤ I love you all!!

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