READ ME(A/N)Sorry...

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Hiya!!! So guys, you might have noticed that I'm not updating that much. Well, that's because I don't have any inspiration and, to be honest, I don't really like the storyline I came up with.
Plus, I think I made things too happy, with no drama and the whole story is kind of predictable.
Re-reading it (yesterday), I raised doubts about my writing skills... The chapters were rather short, with poor grammar and many typos that would take an eternity to correct.
There were times that I thought my story was not good enough and many more wondering what to do with the storyline. Failing horribly on how to think of a solution for this storyline, I watched as many animes as I could and read many books to get some ideas.
I still don't know what to do with this story. Maybe, I could delete it, or leave it here for you to read it. At least the twelve chapters published. Because if you count them, more than half of my chapters are apologies for not updating.
Before you get sad, I will announce something good too!! *trying to make a grin* I also have another book, with one-shots, as some of you may already know. However, I don't take any requests for now because I have some to do since November. And.....

I'm thinking of making another zodiac book, that will be updated less, like once or twice in a month, so I can keep up with both books and the story would be more drama-like (love-triangles) and I'll try to make it funnier too.
So, I want you guys to vote:
1. Delete this story and continue writing the oneshot one.
2. Completely re-write it with another storyline.
3. Leave it here and make the new book(that won't be so often updated)

I'm sorry for you readers who actually liked the book, but I personally didn't, as I said earlier. If you have any questions for this book, feel free to ask. Again, I apologize. That was all I had to say.

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