Chapter 9~Roses and knives

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Year 2014
June 15th

Hello! I'm Sagittarius Robinson, I'm fifteen and I'm officialy afraid of the word 'bury'! Why? Read below to find out...

'Bury me'
Was written on the wall of the now empty gym with a liquid which seemed liked blood. Seriously, why couldn't it be caramel syrup?!

Currently, the whole school was empty due to the incident, even the police had left. That was good though, since we could 'investigate' on our own!

"Libs I'm scared!" I whined to Libra for help, she always knows what to do.
Instead of a smile or whatever, she turned and glared at me.

"Do you think I'm not?!" She shouted a bit and I winced.

I ran my hand through my hair and she rolls her eyes.

"Do you have a period or something?" I asked but I immediately regreted my question. Her glare could blind the sun, litterally!

I tried my best not to make her more angry, then I'll get angry too and in the end we would fight and she would get revenge by pulling off some of my hair, like the last time!

I mentally shivered remembering the empty spot on my head....

"Why are we the one's who need to solve this mystery? I don't get it..." I said, trying to change the topic.

"Because we're cursed? I don't know.." She exclaimed the first part rather sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and thought for a moment.

"I have an idea!" I exclaimed.

"Say it."

"We could go back to the prom and see the exorcism kind of thing!"

"But we have to find dresses and stuff. Plus the thing happened after the prom while cleaning. Aren't they gonna wait for us to leave or get suspicious?" Libra raised an eyebrow.

"I've packed a dress AND a suit. We can hide you know, all that decoration is big!" I explained while opening my arms to show the whole decoration, which was cracked by now but let's just pretend that it is not yet.

"You're right..." Libra said sceptically.
"Let's do it!!"

"Alright, we need to get changed first. Where did you left our suitcases?" I asked.

"They're in the motel." Libra answered. Yes, we stay in a motel or wherever when we time travel. Did you really think we slept outside or something?

"Great, let's go then." I said and started walking, Libra behind me.

We arrived quickly at the motel. I took the keys out of my pocket and stepped in the little room and started looking for my suit.

"So where did you put the clothes?" Libra asked. I answered without looking at her because I was still searching. Where was it?! "I can't find them!"

"Lemme help you." She said slowly and started looking around.
After a little while I sigh of relief took me over.
"I found them!" Libra exclaimed, coming out of the bathroom with two bags in her arms.

"I'm changing in here, you go to the bathroom, got it?" Libra said and I mentally scoffed with her bossy attitude. I nodded and went to the bathroom.

Unzipping the bag, the suit appeared awful but when I wore it, it looked good actually. I comb my hair properly and grab the door handle when I remember that Libra is getting changed.

"Can I come out?" I asked rather loudly for her to hear me.
"Yeah! I need some help here too!"

I got confused there. What help could she need? I walked out only to see Libra in her dark blue dress, trying to walk in her heels, holding on wherever she could.

"What should I do?" I asked, clearly not sure of the situation.

"Help me with walking, I need your arm! And to help me tie this." She said and showed me a rose bracelet. I chuckled and offered my arm for her, after tying her bracelet. Taking out our compasses, we set the time a little time before the prom ended, 21:57.

"Do you have a knife in case of emergency?" I asked and she nodded patting on her thigh, showing me the knife was there. Clever indeed!

We press the button at the same time and I feel dizzy.


I never feel dizzy when travelling, plus I haven't eaten something strange. I feel my compass shaking in my hand, Libra looks at me in horror.

The compass in her hand is shaking too.
"What now?!" She slightly shouted and I felt everything going black after a loud bang before I could answer to her.

I felt myself laying on the grass as I get up, feeling a terrible pain in my head. I look around, frankly not reckognizing this place. I can see a lake, grass and two other teenagers, a brown haired girl and a tall guy, about my height.

Wait, what are they doing here?!

Where's Libra?!

I stare at them, fearful clear on my face, as the two copy my expression and look at each other at the same time.

"Who are you?" I asked them.

"That's what we were thinking about you too." Said the girl, taking a step back.

I quickly search for my compass, opening it in the process.

Year 2046
August 23rd

I jerked my head to look at the duo, the girl having a blank expression and the guy being wide-eyed. Without taking his eyes off the compass, he takes out a compass, the girl doing so too.

Other time travellers?

Author's Note: Hiyaaa! Sorry for not updating on Sunday, I just forgot about it, so yeah😅
Guess what! In two days, it's Easter Break here in Greece for two weeks, which means..

I can't promise anything though *smirks*

How was the chappie?
Did you like it?
What do you think would happen next?
Where is Libra?

Question of the Day(QOTD): Do you want me to post an info chap for the whole names of each character, the compass colour, animal and partner? Comment pleaseeee

So that was it! See ya soon, folks💘

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