Chapter 12~ Chat and chill

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Year 2046
August 23rd

"You two know each other?" I asked Virgo. She nodded and smiled.

"Yeah! We've been partners in a previous mission, remember the slime Tau?" Virgo nudged her and she smiled evilly.

"Well, I had been partners with Capricorn..." I looked at the other guy wearing a suit. What? A suit? "And who are you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He looked kind of confused and nervous at the same time. "I'm Sagittarius. I guess you're Pisces and she is Virgo?" He told calmly, adjusting what happened. I nodded at him, lifting my head up to look at him. Ugh, I hate my height... I stuck out my hand. "Nice to meet you then!" I said with a smile. He smiled too.

I turned to Capricorn, also lifting my head up. Ughhh.

"Sooo.." he started. "When should we leave exactly?" He finished.

"Boss said we need to stay here for a little while to get some rest from our little trip." I shrugged my shoulders at him.

Virgo huffed and sat down on the grass, resting her head back, staring at the sky as I also did so. Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius joined us and we sat there, no words being spoken. I was seated between Taurus and Capricorn, Sagittarius next to Capricorn and Virgo was laying next to them.

"Hey guys.." Started Sagittarius.

"Yeah?" Asked Capricorn. "Wanna, you know, kind of introduce ourselves through 20 questions, so we could get to know each other? A few of us haven't even seen the others again." He shrugged while explaining his idea.

"I like that! So, who wants to start?" Taurus asked. Capricorn raised his hand and talked. "What's your most prominent personality trait?"

"Crazy, chatty and clumsy!" Virgo giggled and we all laughed.

"All of these start with a C." I laughed.

"Like me." Capricorn winked while smirking and giving a thumbs up. Virgo facepalmed and Taurus groaned.

"Move on." Said Taurus trying not to laugh.

"Dreamy, I guess." I said.

"Uhh mine would be confident, probably." Capricorn said as he rested his hand on his head, more specifically on his hair, his long-time girlfriend! Lol, I'm mean sometimes.

"I'm pretty stubborn." Taurus smiled. Capricorn and Virgo both nodded.

"Well... I..." Sagittarius seemed to think. "I don't really know. What do I seem like?" He looked at all of us.

"Judging by appearance, nothing is exactly as it looks like. 'Never judge a book by it's cover', they say. I've read about face mapping though, however I can't tell how accurate it is." Virgo started. We all glanced at her weirdly. "Go on." Said Sagittarius.

"You seem kind, cheerful, outgoing, chill and a little selfless, but nervous." Virgo grinned at him. He scratched the back of his neck and smiled, blushing a little.

"What about me?!" Capricorn exclaimed loudly, seeming interested, startling Virgo and making her close her ears.

"Ugh don't yell near my ear... Well you seem kind of... How do I form this?.." She slowly said.

"Narcisist?" I raised an eyebrow and Capricorn glared at me playfully, like a little kid. I laughed and he flicked my forehead. "You didn't change at all, Pisces!" He said. I got a little red, without him noticing, of course.

"Actually that's I was going to say! Though you seem to have a kind heart and great social skills." Virgo smiled and Capricorn smirked, combing his short locks again. "And you love your hair, obviously. Next question! What's your favourite colour! Mine's dark red and anything golden." She cheered.

"All the hues of blue." I said.

"Green." Replied Capricorn boredly.

"I'd say red."

"Mine's purple or blue. Both of them are nice. Next question.. Um, I'd say.." Taurus smirked "..the most embarrassing moment ever. No lies!" She crossed her arms.

"You start." Capricorn pointed. She huffed at him.

"Okay, so... Two years ago I went to school with my pyjamas, slippers, bed head and night braces. Not a nice view if you ask me. To top it all, my crush started laughing mockingly even if he didn't know me." She shook her head while telling the mini-story.

"Ouch.." squinted Sagittarius. "Well, mine was when I accidentally slept in first period. My then first period was art class. Let's just say I fell asleep on my all wet acrylic painting. It didn't wash off for more than a week!" He laughed as the rest of us started giggling.

"What had you drew?" I ask between laughs.

"It was a tree. But I'm not talented at all! My face looked absolutely horrible! The teachers were hardly keeping a straight face during a lesson." I laughed more.

"There was a normal day hanging out with my friends at summer. We were doing crazy stuff, like sticking fries in our nostrils or doing weird facial expressions. It didn't turn out well because a tv channel was asking passer bys about a gallop or whatever. The fact that many viewers saw such a horrific sight of me with ketchup spread all over and potato nostrils made me extremely embarrassed! But now I laugh at it." I explained and shrugged my shoulders.

"That was..." Capricorn started. I shushed him. "My turn!" He said getting my point.

"I bet you five bucks it has to be something with his hair." Virgo whispered in my ear and I grinned evilly. "You're on!" Sagittarius said, obviously hearing our bet. Taurus was not as close to hear us.

"So." He clapped his hands together. "I had once pranked my sister and of course, being herself, she decided to get revenge on me." He explained as slowly as ever. Virgo crossed her fingers as he paused.

"Go on!" Taurus reassured him, popping her eyes out. Capricorn rolled his eyes at her.

"I'm trying to make it sound interesting, here!" He cried. Taurus wore a blank face at him, apparently having gotten used to his ways.

"As I was saying..." Capricorn paused again. Ughhhhhh.

"She planned the worst revenge she could have ever thought of."

"And that was?" Sagittarius asked.

"She got a razor..."

"I knew it!!" Virgo mouthed to herself.

"And shaved this part of my head while I was sleeping." He frowned and showed us the crown of his head, right where someone would leave the hair unshaved to do a hawk haircut. So it was the other way round.

Virgo was litterally rolling on the grass laughing her ass of, as did Taurus. Me and Sagittarius looked at each other and frowned, knowing that we just lost the bet.

"I already--like--your--sister!!!" Virgo said between laughs.

"Yeah she's basically a girl me." Capricorn said keeping a serious face, obviously not getting what was so funny.

"What are you talking about? She's nice!" Taurus said, grinning at Cap.

"This is gonna be a looong trip..." I heard Capricorn mutter under his breath.

A/N: Hiiiiyaaaaa!!!! How are you, my sweet potato chips?💕So here is the last chapter before my exams *tears* From June 8th you'll have me again! Until then, I'll read your comments and give signs that I'm alive lol. See you guys!!!


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