12. Crushes

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Cancer's Pov
I couldn't sleep. Not after what the principle said about our powers. I couldn't believe that I was next and that I could...  control someone's blood, as if it was plain water. Like, seriously, couldn't we just stay at home and be normal?? We were a normal gang before!! Aries getting all tsundere over the slightest, Gemini and Leo getting in trouble along with Sagittarius... Capricorn competing with Scorpio at anything, especially pranks and stuff. More Scorpio, in general. I don't really see her that much here, as I used to. Taurus telling perverted stuff with Virgo teasing all the way every one of us. Pisces getting angry and pulling my hair, Aquarius' random actions and Libra saying NO 24/7 to Pisces who keeps teasing her. I really miss our normal life. No powers, questions with no end and boarding school. I sighed and tossed on my left side, which was also the side to Aries' bed. Right when I turn, I look at Aries who wasn't sleeping either and had his eyes widen.
"Why are you not sleeping??" I asked him, trying no to freak out at his creepy look. Then, the look dissapeared and he turned back to normal.
"I caaaaan't." He whined and pouted at me.
"No.." he whined again.
"Scared??" He gasped.
"Never." He said dramatically, making it sound like a looong whisper. I bit my lip trying to think why is he not sleeping. Then it hit me.
"Oh I know..." I start smirking. "You have a crush, haven't you??" I grinned at him. He puffed his cheeks and got really, REALLY red.
"You're thinking about her~" I sang.
"I'm not thinking about her.. Damn it.." he said, somewhat embarrassed.
"So you do have a crush!!" I smiled at him.
"I don't!!!!!" He said.
"Riiight.." I smiled and closed my eyes, wishing I could sleep.
"How are things with you and Scorpio, Canc??" He asked in a girly tone, his confidence returning when it came to change topic. My eyes shut open hearing Scorpio's name and I immediately feel my burning cheeks.
"Aha!! You have a crush!!" I whisper-shouted and pointed at him.
"Yeah?? And how have you figured it out, huh??" He said, grabbing a pillow. I grabbed one too, for safety.
"You changed topic!!" I smirked.
"I didn't!!" He 'pfft' me and made it unwillingly sound sarcastic, which actually was.
"Tell me~" I said, batting my 'eyelashes' and clapping my hands together.
"What are you, Pisces??" He said reffering to the eyelash thingy. "Who do you think it is??" He smirked and I thought for a bit.
"Scorpio??" I asked. I needed to make sure I was the only one who liked her, no competition was necessary right now.
"She's too alike. More like a cousin to me. Aaaand you also like her." He said.
"True. Aqua??"
"Nope." He made a sceptical face.
"Virgo??" I said and he started laughing.
"She is taken!! And too hyper.." He says and raises his hands in surrender.
"By who??"
"The gossip girl in you awakened, Cran?? I can't tell you, I promised I wouldn't." He chuckled and used the most embarrassing nickname out of all...
"Really??" I asked.
"Nooooo." He immediately answered. "Keep going, you'll find it, don't worry."
"Too Justin Bieber. She's great, but no." He cringed while saying Justin Bieber. Anyway. My eyes widen as there only one girl left.
"You like Taurus??!!!!" I ask, a but loudly.
"Shut the hell up!! They might hear us!!" He shushed me putting his palm on my mouth and got red again. I smirked as he removed it.
"What??" He asked, kind of embarrassed, while looking away.
"Do you think she likes anyone??" I asked. It's not like I haven't noticed who she likes, once she even ALMOST told me!!
"I hope it's either me or no one!!" He chuckled and grinned a little. "Just kidding, she's not my property or anything." He laughed. "So... how are things with Scorpio??" He grinned. I sigh.
"I think she hates me. Just a little." I said, dissapointed.
"What on earth?? What makes you think of that??" He asked and I frowned slightly.
"The fact that on Halloween she said vampires and werewolfs hate each other and glared at me." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Dude..." he started. "That's Scorpio, she doesn't hate you. She just states a fact. Have you heard her and Libra chatting??" He said and made a noice that said 'let's better not discuss it', and I nodded.
Aquarius' Pov
"Slumber party!!" Cheered Virgo throwing her hands up. We were actually having a whole girls' evening at Pisces' and Taurus', since:
1. It's Friday
2. We haven't gathered all together like this since summer, and it's November.
3. The two were willing to clean afterwards.
4. We all need a GOOD update on our crushes. Aaand lastly
5. Some time to have fun and forget stress!!
Now, we were sitting in a circle after we had out hair done, makeup challenges and some feathers from a pillow fight around us. Pisces evilly smirked at all of us.
"The boys..." she started and I could feel myself blush a little.
"What about them??" Scorpio asked, oblivious to what Pisces was trying to say. Pisces gave her a look and she realized.
"Ohh..." she said. I sighed loudly thinking about them. Now imagine me with hot pink lipstick scattered all over my face from Libra's challenge. I did hers, being pretty satisfied with the result. She looked like a butcher with a peach coloured mustache, but oh well...
"What's on your mind Aqua?? Or should I say who??" Taurus asked, wiggling her eyebrows and smiling. I giggled.
"Gemini....." I whispered, but they all heard. Virgo, currently drinkin hot cocoa, chocked and the chocolate would have gotten out from her nose if it wasn't her small bandage.
"Sorry, what??" She laughed.
"Your cousin." I sheepisly said and her eyes glimmed and she smiled. Let me tell you, I've seen the exact shine on Gemini, it's NOT good!! It's evil!!
"That's great!!!" She said and hugged me tightly.
"You are covering it well though." Scorpio shrugged ger shoulders. "Unlike me." She said and we all gasped and looked at her.
"What??" She asked.
"You really think that Cancer knows you like him??" Libra said, widening her eyes, earning nods from the rest of us.
"Yeah, I mean it's obvious. I passionately flirt with him by-"
"Ignoring him." Libra and Virgo said in unison, finishing her sentence for her. We all cracked up laughing.
"Libs??" I start.
"Why don't you have a crush??!!" I protest with puppy dog eyes.
"She has!!" Pisces laughs. "It's Mercury, the planet!!" Libra shots Pisces that massive famous glare of hers earning a loud chuckle from Pisces.
"I feel that none of them understands me..." Libra says, answering to me. "Maybe Cap and Cancer, but the others don't, for sure." She shruggs.
"Somehow Cancer shows understanding in all of us. Even me!!" Taurus shruggs. Scorpio seemed down at the mention of Cancer. I nudged her to cheer up.
"Come ooon." I teased.
"Noooo." She answered.
"Scorps, don't be sad. Christmas is not that far!!! I'll set mistletoes everywhere, don't worry!!" Virgo smiled at her. Scorpio's eyes widened.
"Don't you dare!!" She warned and Virgo laughed.
"What are you gonna do to me if I do so??" Smirked Virgo.
"I'll call Sagittarius to come under the mistletoe with you!!" Scorpio stuck her tongue out, making Virgo pout.
"Why not??" Pisces asked.
"Well, when I liked him, he friendzoned me and was completely oblivious that I liked him.. AND then he had girlfriends and was talking to me about them non-stop. Remember them?? Nina, Marie, Nicky and counting... He was even asking for advice!! I moved on!! He never noticed me and as I can see, he won't." Virgo explained, as Pisces started remembering, nodding her head. We all know she kinda forgets quickly.
"But I shipped you guys so hard.." I pouted. "Even Gemi shipped you." I looked at my fingers.
"I don't care... He should have seen that I liked him and shouldn't have ignored me. Done. Taurus, your turn." Virgo sighed. Going a year ago, when she liked Sagittarius, she would cry all day because of his obliviousness and his girlfriends. She had even tried to tell him, but nothing.
Taurus cracked her knuckles and smirked, lightening the mood a bit.
"I burnt my butt!!" Libra mimicked Aries to tease Taurus, as Taurus playfully glared at her.
"Is he talking to you at all??" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.
"Of course!! We fight over stupid things, but you know, for fun." She shrugged and smiled, casually.
"What about the vein that popps whenever you two talk??" Scorpio laughed.
"It's here!! It gets really big whenever he says I'm 'too young' because he is a month older. Gosh!!!" Taurus said raising her voice a bit, 'showing off' her vein. I cringed a little, I'm not that into veins.
"Please turn back to normal!!! That vein creeps me out!!" I said quickly, not able to bear the sight of the vein. She relaxed and her forehead was smooth again. I sighed again.
"Guys... What about Leo??" Libra asked, streching her arms.
"I've seen a couple of girls making googly eyes at him!! Well, not just a couple, many of them actually." I said. That's not pretty original, Leo was always a heartrob, but never a player.
"Do you think he likes anyone??" Asks Libra, playing with her fingers.
"Mehh.." Pisces shrugged.
"Are you interested, Libra??" Virgo smirked, the same shimmer as Gemini's in her eyes again, covering her slight jealousy almost perfectly. Almost, I could feel it.
"No!! Of course not!! I'm just curious, many girls like him, but he doesn't return any interest in any of them." Libra explained.
"He teases everyone, though.." Scorpio said. I could feel my eyes getting heavy already.
"Is anyone sleepy yet??" I yawned and stretched, hitting Libra's face with my arm in the process, causing her to scoff.
"I am." Taurus yawned loudly and we decided it was time to sleep. We had a great time!! Maybe next I'm having a sleepover at my dorm!!

And done!! How was it?? So, what do you think of the crushes?? Should anything be changed?? Why is Libra not having a crush? Do you ship Cancer and Scorpio as I do or nah??😂 Comment your opinion and your ships, not forgetting to vote!! Bye, kitties!!

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