Chapter 4

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[This chapter will be in Jacks perspective]


I woke up in Marks arms. I felt so secure, safe, in fact. I can't remember the last time a stranger made me feel this way...

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" Mark asked. I jumped slightly, I didn't know that he was awake.

"I slept very good, actually. I was really warm, it was nice." I saw Mark blush. I thought it was cute how he blushed. "How 'bout you? How'd you sleep?"

"I slept good. I had a nice teddy bear to snuggle with, that was nice." I blushed as well. He seemed to do that to me, make me feel kind of embarrassed. But in a good way.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it." I felt a little over-confident and pecked him on the nose. He didn't flinch, which was a little surprising. He seemed like a very jumpy person.

"Shit!" We heard a crash come after that. It was probably Amber, she isn't a morning person so that leads to her being kinda clumsy in the morning.

"Don't worry, it's just Amber. She's a little clumsy." Mark nodded. "Wanna head downstairs and get some breakfast? We have Eggo Waffles in the freezer." I said excitedly.

"Hell yea, Eggo's are the best!" Mark and I got up. I put a pair of sweat-pants and a shirt on, while Mark just put some sweat-pants on. I blushed a little more, but I tried not to make it too obvious.

As we got downstairs, we noticed the big mess is the kitchen. There was pancake batter everywhere; two bowls were​ tipped upside down; there were at least five spoons on the floor; and, finally, there was Amber sitting on the ground with batter in her hair. Mark giggled a little, which caused Amber to burst out laughing. I started to laugh as well.

The rest of the morning went pretty slow, that is until Thomas decided to finally wake up. It was 10:30, and we had some eggs and bacon for breakfast.

"Hey, Thomas, can you pass the pepper?" Mark asked.

"Yeah." He grabbed the pepper and handed it to Mark. "And for the record, call me Tom."

"Y-yeah, okay... Thanks." Mark stuttered. He seemed so unsure about Tom, I don't think I'll be able to figure out why though... It shouldn't matter that much, though.

After we all finished eating, Amber offered to clean all of the dishes. She always does, so I decided to step in today. I had all of the plates, glasses, and silverware next to the sink where I turned on the water and waited for it to get warm. As I was waiting, Mark came up next to me.

"Mind if I help?" He asked kindly.

"No, not at all." I responded softly.

I started to pour the dish soap into the sink, and Mark grabbed some wash cloths. I grabbed the first plate and started to wash it. I felt strong arms wrap around me and trail down to my hands from my shoulders. I quickly realized that it was Mark.

I giggled. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you, silly." I could hear his smile as he talked. He kept holding my wrists as I washed all of the dishes. He volunteered to put all of them away, so long as I told him where they go.

"This cabinet?" He pointed at the same cabinet that he's been pointing at for the past two minutes.

"No!" I tried to contain my laughing, "The one next to it!"

"Ah, this one." He was still pointing to the wrong one.

"No! The one to the left of it!" I started to laugh my ass off.

"Well, you should've clarified it." Mark giggled along with me. We did eventually get all of them put away. Mark said that he wanted to take a shower, so I got him everything he needed so he could freshen up.

While he was in the shower, I was on the couch playing on the Xbox One. I just got Rocket League. I'm not very good at it yet, but I have a lot of fun playing it.

At one point, Amber came down stairs and sat next to me. I don't really mind it at all, she's really cool and supportive of me, and I don't think that I could ask for a better friend than her. Tom is also really cool, but he's always working on days like this so I don't really get to talk to him much anymore.

"You know, you and Mark are a really cute couple." Amber said suddenly. I blushed a little but kept playing my game. "C'mon, Jack, don't hide it! You really like him and I can tell. I can also tell that he really likes you too."

I paused my game and looked at her. "You really think he likes me back...?"

"Oh. My God. Child, he fucking loves you, okay! I don't know how you can't tell, it's obvious!" She playfully punched my arm.

"Well, he always seems so... I don't know, unsure about himself whenever he talks to me..." I said a little nervously.

"I mean, I'm guessing that ever since he came out to his family, life has been rough with him. He didn't really get the love and attention he deserved when he said some things. He might be unsure because it's been a while since he's had the freedom to say things and not get consequences afterwards."

She made a really good point... "Yeah, I guess you're right." I un-paused my game and kept playing. While playing, I thought of something that I could do for Mark today. Something to let him know that I really care for him and he doesn't have to be unsure about the things that he says around anyone in this house.

As soon as Mark got out of the shower, he looked relieved.

"Well, you look happy. What was so great about the shower? The soap, the wat-"

He cut me off. "I'm moving here to Ireland." I had a blank face. I didn't know how to respond. He looked like he was going to be sad, his face was starting to form an unpleasant expression. "D-do you want me t-to...? Cause I don't have to if you don't wan-"

I cut him off by giving him a big hug, tears nearly falling out of my eyes. "Mark... Are you doing this for me...?"

He started to hug back. "In a way, yes. But I also thought that I would just be generally more happy here." I hugged him even tighter.

"Mark... can I tell you something...?"

"Yes, anything." He started to run his hands through my hair.

"I love you." I felt a tear fall onto my forehead.

"I love you too, Jack."

We stood there for what seemed like forever. I never wanted this to end.


A/N Was that good?! I really hope so, it took me about 1-2 weeks to finish it. Mostly because I'm a procrastinator, but a little because of school.

Here is the question I will get most in the comments; why are the names Amber and Thomas now?! Because two reasons. Reason #1: to have a bit of a different plot. Reason #2: I realized that it was stupid to fantasize about being with a dude who broke up with me just to get together with another girl. Then break up with her and start dating someone else. Then AGAIN to break up with her and be with an even different girl. How am I still friends with him? I try not to hold grudges unless I really need to.

So there was that chapter, I'll try to update sooner next time.  Love y'all.


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