Chapter 13

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*2 days later*

||Cairo's POV||

"Cairo you ready?" Levi asked

"Yeah let's go" I said

I grabbed my bag. Ow!

"I'll get your stuff" Levi said

"No it's my stuff I can get" I said

"Cairo your hand isn't healed yet" Levi said

"Okay fine" I said walking out of the hotel

My phone started ringing and it was Justine.

||phone call||

"Hey Cairo!" Justine said
"Hey Justine" I said
"I can't wait for you and Levi to get here it's been a while since we hung out" Justine said
"Yeah it has" I said
"Are you on your way to the airport?" Justine asked
"Yeah we're almost there" I said
"Okay cool call me when you land" Justine said
"Okay bye see you soon" I said
"Byee" Justine said then I hung up
||end of phone call||

"Was that Justine?" Levi asked

"Yeah she's excited to see us" I said

"I'm excited as well" Levi laughed

||skip plane ride||

We landed in London. I'm actually excited to see Justine. Levi and I got to our hotel. We walked inside and saw Justine standing there smiling wide.

"Guys!" She screamed in excitement then hug us

"I missed you guys so fucking much" she screamed

"We missed you too" Levi and I said

"What made you come to London?" Justine asked

"Levi wanted to surprise you" I said

"Awe Levi come here" Justine said then hugged him

"I wish you were single I would so go for you" Justine smiled

"He actually is" I said

"No! You aren't with Ariana anymore?" Justine asked

"We broke up" Levi said

"You won't be lonely for long" Justine winked and Levi smirked

"Okay are you guys done" I asked

"So is there anyone you're interested in Cairo?" Justine asked

"Well she did like Neymar but he messed up" Levi said

"No way you and Neymar were a thing?" Justine said

"No we weren't" I said

"Can we not talk about me please" I said and they nodded

"Okay sure" Justine said

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