Chapter 29

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Next day;

Levi's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes it was Galilee.

"What?!" I said sitting up

"Cairo is gone." She said

"Wait what?" I asked again to be sure I heard her right

"She's gone." Galilee said

"This is not good." I said getting up from bed

"Asher I think we should just give up." Galilee said

"What you're the one that yelled at everyone to fucking help her now you wanna give up!" I yelled

God this girl never knows what she wants.

"You know helping Cairo isn't easy." I said

"I know but-

"You're right our family is fucked! Including you!" I screamed

"Me? You sure?" She said raising an eyebrow

"Yes you one minute you're crying over Cairo the next minute you're arguing with her. Do you want to help her or not!" I yelled in frustration

"Well Cairo obviously doesn't give a shit." Galilee said

"Then why suggest we come to Spain and help her. You're the one who pushed me to fly across the world to help her! AND ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS GIVE UP!." I screamed

"GOD IM SO FUCKING DONE!" I screamed walking to my suitcase

"Where the hell are you going?" Galilee asked following me

"I'm going home." I said

"Asher this wasn't supposed to happen." Galilee sighed

"Well guess what all this shit did happen." I said

"Do you think she's going to hurt Ariana and Levi?" Galilee asked

"I don't know. We just need to let her go." I sighed

This is hard to say.

"We just need to wait for her to come to us." I said

"I'm sorry." Galilee said

"There's no need for you're sorry." I said walking into the bathroom.

This is it.


"Wait I'm so confused." Rafaella said

This is the third time I explained my relationship with Cairo to her. I finished explaining everything that happened and she finally understood.

"Well at least you tried to help her." Rafa said taking a sip from her drink

"Na verdade não." I mumbled (not really)

"Que?! What do you mean not really. Neymar you helped her a lot. She just needs time to herself." Rafa said

I continued to think to myself for a while.

"O que vocês estão falando?" Gil said walking in the living room and Jo following him. (What are you guys talking about.)

"Cairo." Rafa answered

"Oh I'm sorry bro." Jo said

I just nodded my head.

"Just give her some time." Gil said patting my shoulder

You Can't Handle Me ~NJR Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now