Chapter 16

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|| Cairo's POV||

"Ryan who's Ryan?" Neymar asked

He's the reason for all my problems.

"Baby you don't have to tell me if you're not ready" Neymar said trying to calm me down

I just cried even harder.

"No I need to tell you" I said quietly

Neymar pulled me into a tight hug.

"You...m-might think of m-me as a m-monster after I t-tell you t-this" I said barely finding my words

"U-um where do I start" I said sitting up straight wiping my tears

"When I was 17 I had a boyfriend named...Ryan." I said slowly and Neymar nodded

"I guess you can say we were young and in love." I sighed

"After a year of dating. We got a place together since we were old enough. A few months of living together he started coming home late. Obviously I thought he was coming home late because of work. He was cheating on me with this girl. I waited a week to confront him because I wanted to be sure he was cheating. So one night I finally confront him and he totally lost it. He kept denying that he cheated on me which he did. Knowing me I don't take anyone's bullshit. So I started yelling and shit. I told him I was done with him. As I was about the leave our apartment he grabbed me and started choking me. I remembered I kicked him in his private area so I can get away but he was to fast. I ran in the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I told him "if you take one more step I will put this knife in your head." He ripped the knife out of my head and it landed on the floor. At first he started beating me and out of nowhere I feel him taking of my clothes. And forcing himself in me. I screamed in pain. I tried to get him off me but he was way stronger than me. I noticed the knives was near me so I grabbed it a-and stabbed him in the head"  I took a deep breath and continued

"I was so shocked that I even did that. The girl he was cheating on me with barged in our apartment. She was screaming at me calling me a murder when she didn't even know what happened. She called the police and said I murder him and I got arrested. My lawyer convinced the jury that I had a mental problem so I was forced to go to a mental hospital. Being in that hospital didn't do me any better. I kept having really bad nightmares. So my parents got me out of the mental hospital. But my mom forced me to go to therapy. Many people tried helping me but it didn't work. That's when I started having a really hard time controlling my anger. One day I skipped one of my therapy session to go to the girl Ryan cheated on me with. Long story short I let my anger take control of me and I killed with her my bare hands. I didn't get in trouble because at the time I was already famous and I used my money to cover it up" I said

I looked at Neymar at he had no emotion on his face. I know wha he's going to say.

"You went through so much especially at a young age" Neymar said and I was shocked by his words

"Why aren't you calling me a murder?" I asked

"Because what happened wasn't your fault he basically abused and raped you." Neymar said "and your mom didn't make it any better by forcing you to go to therapy."

"The worst thing is they put me on medication" I said

"You're on medication?" Neymar asked and I nodded

"To control my anger but I haven't been taking them ever since I met you." I said

"This is explains what you doing earlier" Neymar said and I nodded

"Neymar I'm so messed up even my brother and mom say it to me." I cried

"The only person that was there for me out of nowhere dropped me from his life for his stupid girlfriend." I cried even more

"Baby you're not alone" Neymar said wiping my tears away

I looked up at him and smiled. Then I heard his voice.

"He's just saying things you want to hear. He doesn't love a monster like you!" Ryan said

I covered my ears.

"What's wrong?" Neymar asked

"His voice" I said "I can still hear his voice."

Neymar pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay linda I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered in my ear

"Neymar I don't want you to get hurt" I said

"Stop thinking like that" Neymar said

"Neymar if you haven't noticed I'm a fucking murder I killed two people and I killed one of them with my hands" I screamed

"Cairo I don't look at you like that" Neymar said

"I don't see you as a murder. You defended yourself." He said

"Bullshit Levi said the same shit" I scoffed

"Am I Levi" Neymar said

"I'm not going to leave you Cairo." He said grabbing my hand

I looked down.

"Cairo look at me" Neymar said

I slowly put my head up.

"Is there anything that takes your mind off of what happened?" Neymar asked

"When I dance." I said and he nodded

"And when I'm with you" I said pushing a strain of my hair behind my ear

"I don't know when I'm around you I feel like an actual person. I feel emotions." I said

I looked down at my feet.

"You're so cute" Neymar chuckled and I playfully rolled my eyes

He can never be serious.

"I know what you're probably thinking. I don't take things seriously which is kinda true. But I don't want this to be a bad or sad moment. This is a good moment." Neymar said

"How is this is good moment I basically just told you I'm a mur-

"Cairo do not say that word" Neymar interrupted me

"And this is a good moment because we're taking another step in our relationship" Neymar smiled

"I love how you always find the good in everything" I smiled

"I'm not here to bring you down and make you feel worse Cairo. You've been through enough. I want to brighten your path" he said and I smiled

I smashed my lips against his. My actions took him by surprise. But he kissed me back immediately.

I hope Neymar can brighten my path because I sick and tired of this darkness.

Sorry guys this chapter is kinda short.

I hope you guy still it like it😂

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