I am alive

13 1 15

So hey everyone! If you have noticed, I updated almost all of my stories, annnnnnd wrote a new one that you should totally check out on my profile! It is called "A fleeting Moment of Happiness", and is loosely based on the song "Car Radio," by Twenty One Pilots.

Did you notice my shameless self-advertising?

Annnnnyways, I hope all of you guys had a great week, and if not, go ahead and message me and we can talk about our feelings and be sad. It will be great bonding time.

That didn't sound creepy or stalkerish at all!

I actually just updated Felecia Spinnet a few minutes ago, so if you are reading that then yay, and if not, it's only been going on for a few chapters, so you'll be able to catch up quickly.

I just have to share, I was reading through an old journal and found the cringiest poem to ever be written. It is entitled,"Fall" and is only three lines long. Here it is:


Leaves fall on the ground

Because it is fall

A+ poetry isn't it? I hope that is the welcome into this lovely season that you all needed. (Not the TV show kind. I know what all of you Supernatural fans were thinking)

Today there isn't going to be some waffly sentimental speech if that's what you wanted. Sorry about that. I was planning on it but then I kind of just

MemeQueenStephanie, that one was for you.

If you are reading this, please send me a message or something. I only have two friends on this site, and I know both of them irl. I need internet friends.

I was joking the other day with fudgesaucecakes, that it is depressing that I don't have online friends, when it used to be the other way around.


*insert gif of a table literally turning

I don't really have anything else to discuss, so I am going to end this chapter here. Go ahead and leave a like and comment, and-

Sorry, I can't do that anymore. I can't be a stereotypical vlogger who never knows how to end a video. I'll end with a classic.

Aufweidersehen everyone, and remember to talk to your Wattpad friends.

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