chapter 15 Visions of the past 1

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Flare the night guard's pov

Ever since I flew out the window on that Wednesday night, I had broken a few bones along the way, causing me to go to the hospital. This week, I was required to work the full week no exceptions. I got into my office and flipped on the fan, for some reason, having the fan on takes away some of the stress for me. As I flip through the cameras, I couldn't find spring trap, I guessed since it was only day 1, he wouldn't come out, at least not yet. As I flip through the cameras again just to be safe, the same image of a girl from last week. Now something was beeping, I look to see that it was the ventilation. I quickly close it off. as I lower down the iPad I use to watch the cameras in the different rooms, the same girl was right in my face. She let out this high pitched screech that lead me to fall out of my chair and hit the floor, hard.

Vision of a flashback 3rd person

Flare woke up as a pixilated character like the games in the horror attraction. He walked around until he found a girl. She looked the same like the shadow version, but a lot more calmer and not scratched and bruised. Flare tried to talk to her but he couldn't his hand just passed through her shoulder when he tried to touch it. This is when Flare realized he couldn't do anything, but watch. The girl walked up the animatronics, as the conversation went on, she said that she was going to the store to get some more pizza supplies. She headed out the door and ran to the market, which was at least 10 miles from there.

end of Flashback

Flare's pov

I woke up in my chair with a slight headache, I slowly get up and think about what has happened. "Was that a vision from the past?".

Here you guys go! hope you enjoyed it and the 509 special chapter is happening the next chapter I swear to the pizza gods XD Idk

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