chapter 2

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They no longer had any chance of success and Perseus Jackson  understood that with every fiber of his being, but he kept moving on. His body should be frozen in fear, he should be a shivering  mess, but to be truthful he was just tired. Tired of constantly saving the gods behinds, constantly risking the lives of those he loved in order to protect undying immortals from their own family fued and power battles. Tired of being stuck in the middle of every fight and he was ready to just get things over with. Anaklusmos dragged against the grounds as he wobbled towards the menacing earth monster.

He could faintly hear Jason yelling his name, but he chose to ignore him. A growl trapped itself at the back of his throat as his fisted tightened around his blade. No more people getting hurt because of him. No more unnecessary deaths. No more funerals for children and no more suffering.

A smirk twisted Gaea's lips as she lifted a clawed hand. Thick tree roots sprang from the ground and shot towards him at a blinding speed. He arched Riptide downwards and cut through the roots with ease. Gaea still hadn't regained her full abilities but she was still too strong.

A ear piercing screech rang out behind him and with a quick glance backwards he saw a flash Golden princess curls being lifted from the ground. A rope of wood wrapped around her tanned neck, tightening relentlessly.

"No!" No, not Annabeth. Don't hurt her, don't touch her. His vision filled with red as he rushed forwards, blinded by rage. More roots and branches struck out from the fertile Greek soil. This time though, he wasnt fast enough.  Several earth swords swerved away from him and latched onto his companions as they tried to defeat the remaining monsters. Yet the few roots that raged towards him quickly wrapped a strong grip around his sore neck and plunged through his lower abdomen, successfully shish kebabing him. The wail died in his throat as he choked on his own blood. Percys weapon had dropped as Gaea rose him upwards into the air with her earth tentacles. His bleeding fingers clawed at the impaling branch in a desperate attempt of release. When all seemed lost, thats when he felt it, the soft thrum of water coursing through the tree roots that restrained him and hope sparked within him. He closed his eyes and consult rated on the soft energy around him, urging it to move and attack as his stomach began to tighten. If this failed he wouldn't have to energy to do much else. The wood groaned and creaked as the liquid within began to slush around and burst like leaky pipes. Gaea let out a sickening shreek as pain  exploded through her as her earthy bonds loosened. He could hear Annabeths chocked voice gasping out a harsh "kick her dirt covered ass" in the distance as the grip of the tentacle loosened around her neck. And Percy was more than happy to oblige. With one final burst of power the water within Gaea's root like arms exploded with a flurry of golden ichor and poisoned water that hissed as it landed across his face. He screamed in agony as the drops splashed into his eyes.

The pain was unimaginable as it combined with the series of abdominal wounds he was suffering from. He couldn't open his eyes and he knew without a doubt that if he did it wouldn't make much of a difference as the poison destroyed his vision. Yet he still lashed out. He felt the calling of the water and the blood that ran through Gaea's veins and urged them to boil and swirl within her. Percy wasn't aware that he was slowly cooking her from the inside he just wanted her dead and the hatred was easily released in the form of burning hot blood and energy.

Gaea's screams were almost suffocating as they filled the battlefeild with agony and tortured pleas for mercy, but Percy just let out more force as anger consumed him. She tried to take away everything important to him. She deserved everything she gets even if it kills him in the process.

Fearful grey eyes filled his thoughts. He controlled the poison and  scared her. He filled the one he loved with fear. Annabeth was scared of him then, what must she be thinking now. That he was a monster, no better than the ones they'd previously fought. He let his inner demons get the better of him and he turned into something he hoped to never become. He let his power die as he stopped berating Gaea with her own bubbling ichor and yanked the bloody root from his stomach before dropping to his knees. Gaea's wails slowly diminished as Jason ran past him and struck an electricity filled sword through the primordials withered heart.

His heart beat thrummed through his veins as the edges of his vision blackened while his body slumped down and slackened.

"Percy!" He could distinctly tell the voice belonged to Annabeth even in his half conscious state. He has one foot in the grave but the sound of the heartbreak in her cracked voice filled him with more despair than his impending demise.

He felt the thud of several foot steps. His head slowly swiveled to where Frank and Hazel were slowly regaining strength and rising from the ground. He let out a soft breath knowing they were alive.

Atleast he'll be the only one to die. He wasn't even going to kid himself either with the thought of recovery. The branch had gone straight through his body and the blood was spilling profusely into a crimson pool beneath him. The footsteps were louder and heavy gasps could be heard. Someone was crying. No, several people were crying. The noises were mixing together in a dull haze not thing seemed coherent anymore to him, yet he was calm. Jason defeated Gaea, no one got hurt. Annabeth is safe. His mother is safe.

Now he could finally sleep. With the one final thought he let his eyes drift shut and his conscious to wonder. Soon the thuds in his chest would cease and with that his pain.


That moment when yeh boi dies

Well I made his death scene slightly better. This story is barely going to have any romance in it, I'm sorry, I just can't romance. The plot is going to change sooooo much lmao, the whole premise of the fic will change and it might not even have Nico as a main lead.

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