Chapter 5

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The school day passed by pretty quickly for Sevyn. Not only do her teachers seem chill this year, but she has majority of people that she can see herself chillin with in the future. Monica is only in two of her classes so she's gonna have to make some new acquaintances so she doesn't fall asleep in class.

Sevyn walks into the lunch room and weaves through the different clusters of tables, occupied by the various social classes. The so called popular kids are centered in the middle, band kids are off to a corner, the drug addicts are farther in the back and super smart kids are all packed in the front. It's like animals at a zoo, everyone has that part of the zoo that's strictly reserved for them.

As she walks to her lunch table to put her book bag down, Sevyn says hey to a few familiar faces. She makes it to her table where Monica is already sitting down, scrolling through her phone. "Hey loner." Sevyn drops her bag in the seat beside Monica.

"Shut up. What took you so long?" She asks, getting out her seat and following Sevyn to the lunch line.

"I'm sorry for having to pee." Sevyn replies, grabbing a tray off the steel counter. Monica grabs one too and the slide their trey down the steel rack. As the survey the lunch options for the day, hands come around Sevyn's eyes, blocking her view.

"Gimme all your lunch money or yo ass is mine." A deep voice whispers in her ear.

"Sorry sir, I don't have enough money to feed to homeless today. Try tomorrow." She replies laughing. The voice laughs too, removing his hands from her eyes. Keenan looks over her shoulder at Keenan who's grinning at her. "You don't intimidate me." She tells him.

Keenan shrugs his shoulders, "I don't have to. As long as I intimidate all these other niggas tryin' to get at you." He cuts his eyes at a boy who happened to glance in their direction at the wrong moment in time.

Monica scoffs, "Everyone knows y'all together. I doubt anyone would try to move in on Sevyn. Especially with her security guard brothers around."

"What about me being a sexy security guard?" Ty asks, coming up beside Monica and putting an arm around her shoulders. "I didn't know you were into role play Money."

They burst out laughing at Monica shoots him the death glare and elbows him in the stomach. Sevyn shakes her heads at her brother and holds out her trey for the lunch lady to give her a helping of potatoes wedges and chicken strips. She grabs some grapes and a juice before exiting the line with her friends and Ty. They walk back to the table and take a seat with Malcolm and Shaun.

"Where's Corey?" Monica asks, setting her trey in the table and sitting down.

"Showing some new girl around." Shaun replies, devouring his French fries.

Ty raises an eyebrow, "Was he forced to do that or something? I know he's the type to help the needy."

"Nah, if y'all see this girl I bet you'd volunteer to show her around too." Malcolm says with a smile. "She's a ten."

"She's a ten or her ass is?" Sevyn ask her brother with a knowing look in her eye. Malcolm and Ty exchange a look before laughing and Sevyn shakes her head. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

Halfway into lunch, when Sevyn and Keenan are taking stupid selfies on her phone, the door opens and Cordell walks in with a girl trailing behind him. He tosses his bookbag down in the seat and plops down, dapping Shaun. "Wassup bum asses,"

"Nothing much," Ty replies with his eyes locked on the girl hovering near the seat beside Cordell. "Who's your friend?" He asks, flashing the girl his million dollar smile. Corey's amber eyes glance at him slyly before he turns to the girl next to him.

"Aubrey this is the crew. Ty, Malcolm, Shaun, Keenan, Sevyn and Monica." He points to each person before grabbing some of Shaun's fries. "This is Aubrey y'all."

Ty reaches across the table to shake her hand, "Wassup Aubrey, you can sit right here." He pulls back the seat next to him, shoving Monica's book bag onto the floor. She glares at him but he's too busy beaming at Aubrey to notice.

"Hey everyone," Aubrey says, sitting down in the seat. While the boys start up a conversation with her, Sevyn studies the girl. She has long wavy hair, a pretty brown complexion and warm eyes that are decorated lightly with eyeshadow. She smiles at something that Malcolm says, creating a dimple in one of her cheeks.

"Did you just move here?" Monica asks Aubrey, leaning her elbows on the table.

Aubrey nods, "Yeah. I'm originally from Florida but my mom wanted a change of scenery."

Keenan snorts the way someone would when they don't believe a person. Everyone looks at him and Sevyn furrows her brows, "What's wrong with you?"

Keenan looks up from his phone with a grin, "Nothing. I mean you move from Florida to Connecticut for a better scenery? What do we have here to offer?" He asks, looking straight at Aubrey. A deeper meaning seems to be hidden in his question but Sevyn doesn't understand what he could really be asking.

Something flashes behind Aubrey eyes and her sweet exterior seems to crack. "Just wanted to mix things up." She replies, her voice still sounding sweet.

"Mhm..." Keenan says. He glances at his watch then at Sevyn. "You wanna get outta here a little early and go to my locker?" He asks her.

Sevyn shakes her head, "nah, Ima hang back with Monica. I have class with her next anyway."

"Alright," Keenan says standing.

"I'll head out withchu man. We need to talk." Ty tells him, standing up too. "Nice meet you baby girl." He tells Aubrey, winking at her.

She smiles at him again, "You too Ty."

"Oh, she feelin me." They hear Ty say as the boys walk out. Sevyn watches them go, a bit of confusion washing over her. What was up with Keenan's change of mood? Something must of happened between him and Aubrey early in the day.

Sevyn turns to look at Aubrey, only to find her already staring at her. "Sorry about Keenan. I don't know who peed in his Cheerios this morning."

Aubrey laughs but it sounds forced. "It's fine. Boys are complicated." She shrugs. "Are y'all a couple?" Sevyn nods her head yes and Aubrey bobs her eyebrows. "Cute." She says simply, just as the bell rings. Without saying a word, Aubrey stands up and grabs her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and walking out the cafeteria.

Monica and Sevyn throw their treys away. "Is it just me or is there something wrong about that girl?" Monica asks as they leave the cafeteria and flood out into hallway with everyone else.

Sevyn shrugs, "Yeah, like she was forcing herself to keep that right smile on her face."

Monica groans, "The last thing we need in this school is more fake."

Corey chuckles, "Thats true. But earlier she was cool when it was just me and her."

"Maybe she couldn't function properly around your cute ass." Monica says, pinching his cheeks. He laughs and slaps her hand away from him. "Y'all lightskin niggas be having girls with their foot in their mouths."

"Oh you got jokes,Money?" Corey asks, pushing her gently. They all laugh and Malcolm speaks up, "Aubrey was a little strange though, especially when Keenan said something."

"Well it's her first day, give her time to adjust." Sevyn says, ignoring the feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Monica purses her lips, "Fine. But something ain't right about that chick."

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