Katherina 'Love' Story

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Its been a few days since Saturday and Augusta seems to be doing fine. I'm really happy she told me about what happened to her mom I feel like we really are sisters. It's to bad she's sick today she better feel better tomorrow.

"Hey Kath!" Ugh I wish he'd go away already I was lying I don't want to hang out with you I was being polite! "Kath?"

"Don't call me that Keith my name is Katherina call me by my name! ok"

"But I always call you Kath"

"Yea when we were friends and you didn't make my life at this school a living hell!"

"Look Kath er um Katherina I'm sorry about that I know I made you suffer I really feel bad about it please let me make it up to you."

"Keith leave me alone."

"No I won't until you give me a chance!"

"KEITH leave me alone."

"Katherina I'm not going any where until you agree to let me make it up to you."

"Why the sudden interest in me Keith hmm are your minions getting boring or are you not satisfied without every girl drooling over you?"

"Katherina you know me best..."

"No Keith I knew you best as in past tense before you became such an ass!"

"But you said you'd go out with me on Monday."

"And if I recall correctly there would have been three of us going besides why would I want to go any where with you."

"But I've changed its just good old me just give me a chance please I'll beg if I have to!"

"Look pea brain people don't change they just lie to themselves so no I wont give you a chance go a head and beg I wont change my mind a no is a no now please leave me alone!"

"Well I'm determined to get you to change your mind."

"After all you've done after all the names you've called me sense 8th grade do you really expect me to change my mind!? No Keith I will not go out with you understand!"

I ran from that room and made it to the roof. I couldn't stand to look at him. He's made my high school years hell and now he wants me to go out with him what kind of drugs is he on to believe that I'll ever go out with him. I sigh putting my hands on my face for some reason my face is soaked. I wipe my forehead but nothing I look up and its not raining.

"Heh I guess my eyes are deceiving my mind after all these years after all this time you still like him. Katherina your such a fool." I said thinking out loud. I guess its time to go back to class I dont want Dad to be mad at me for being late.

"So what was it you were saying over there?" Dammit can't he just bother someone else.

"Nothing that concerns you."

"Anyway tell Augusta to met me at the parlor tomorrow at 12 ok"

"Why should I?"

"If you wont go out with me then I'll just go out with your friend."

And here I was thinking he changed I guess I was right people dont change "You know what Keith you better leave now if you dont want to be found dead from 'accidentally' tripping down the stair now do ya?"

"Fine I'll go." He said as he left the roof.

Some prince Charming ya got there Katherina.

I really need to move on.

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