That Was Easy

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A/N i know the first chapter was in third person but for now its going to be in first person Thanks!

(='∀`)人('∀`=) this is us high fiving


"I-I'm so s-sorry I d-didn't see you t-there." i said nervously, while rubbing my throbbing head, expecting the girl to yell at me for not looking where i was going but to my surprise she appologized to me.

"No it's all right it's my fault for stopping in the middle of the side walk." the girl said while wiping her eyes she seemed to have been crying.

"I know it's none of my business but why we're you crying?" immediately i added "not that you have to answer if you don't want to." She seemed surprised that even though i didnt know her i wanted to know why she was down.

After a few seconds she replied "It's alright i just was thinking how school had already four months left and i still had no friends." she whispered the last few words as if her words were being recored. 'this girl is just like me she has no one to talk to though it seems like she isn't new she must be depressed as i am'

I was pulled from my thoughts when she asked "Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm n-not c-c-crying"

"I can see that your hurting in the inside and your trying to hide it but dont you find it fair if you tell me why your sad since i told you?"

Sadly she had a point but but i just can't bring it to words the pain i feel inside.


"I can see that your hurting in the inside and your trying to hide it but dont you find it fair if you tell me why your sad since i told you?" oh no is she really going to cry oh gosh her face is turning red what did i do. "No no it's alright you don't know me i should'nt ask a stranger to share their secrets."

Her face went back to normal. i silently sighed. it got very awkward very quickly and she seemed lost in her thoughts poor girl.i thought i'd asked her a quick question which seemed to bring her back to reality.

"By the way i still dont know your name what is it?"

"Oh right, um my name is Augusta Green i'm new to this city." she put a fake smile on and asked "What's your name?"

"I'm Katherina Roan. Your going to Becan High right? Everyone there has been talking about the new girl and here she is"

She started blushing i think she doesn't like being the center of attention she must be shy. "Here I am kind of disapointing aren't I." She frowned.

"Dont be hard on your self. Do you know anyone here?" She shook her head no. "I guess I can't complain about having no friends anymore" She looked up at me puzzled.

"I have one friend now and so do you and we met on a side walk at exactly...(I looked at my watch).. 3:09 pm today"

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