Search For The Truth

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"Wait but how are we going to find out if we really are twins?" It was 10 in the morning we both just woke up after a confusing night filled with major revealings.

"We can check the hospital's records."

"How? We obviously can't go there and the internet might not be at use in this situation."

"Don't be so negative that's my job."

"Fine but what are we suppose to do?"

"Why don't we ask our parents for our birth certificates?"

"What'll we say if they ask why?"

"We can say its for show and tell at school."

"We haven't had show and tell since the third grade Augusta they wont believe us or at least my mom wont." You could have at least taken that into consideration.

"Ok then do you have any suggestions?"

Your suppose to be the smart one don't rely on me. "Um no I'm still confused about this all."

"Oh ok WAIT I GOT!" She stood up and started walking in circles while rubbing her chin it made her seem old. "Why dont we ask for the certificates to just view them and take a picture of it!"

"Why would we just view them? Wont that draw attention if we say we just want to view them?"

"Well have you ever seen your certificate?"

"No but what does that have to do with this?"

"You can ask your mom where it is and when she asks why just tell her you want to see it because you've never actually viewed it before."

"That might work but what if our certificates are modified and both have our 'fake' mom's name."

"Then we can just check our information see if we got it correct then we can ask the adults when we are 100% positive we're twins."

"Ok I understand now so can we drop this for now its giving me a headache."

"Yea sure wanna go eat breakfast."

My stomach answered for me.

"I guess that's a yes then." She laughed.


"Oh no it's 3:35 I was supposed to be home at 3:30!" Katherina shouted.

"It's ok we can run there and just tell your mom lunch was longer than expected."

"Ok see your the one with the brains."

"Well one of us has to be the mastermind and the other has to be the strong one who helps the mastermind."

"Make me the under dog just cause you were born 30 minutes before me thanks."

"Yes that's exactly correct MUAHAHHAHAHAHA!"


"WITH POWER YES!" We both broke down laughing until we realized it was 3:40

"Alright mastermind let's go before I get even more in trouble."

"Right don't forget to ask your mom when you get home ok."

"Yea yea I wont forget."

"So reassuring."


"Katherina Rachel Petrova Roan! Why are you ten minutes late!?" I hate when she uses my full name it's two names too long.

"We were eating and it took us longer than expected sorry."

"It's alright but you could have called." You could have called yesterday too before ditching me.

"Whatever oh mom can I see my birth certificate?"

"What why?"

"I just realized I've never seen it in person so I wanted to see it."

"Oh right I've never shown you. Ok why not your 15 now you can see it."

"15 and 3 quarters mom to be exact."

"Right give me a few minutes to dig it up."

"Ok I'll be upstairs organizing."

"Your such a clean freak honey." She giggled oh come on at least act better.

"Yea always will be."

10 minutes later

"Perfect it's all symmetrical no tears this time maybe the next. It's just so beautiful! The tears wont stop now!"

"Kathy stop talking to your self!"

"It's just so symmetrical!" I could feel my eyes twinkle and enlarge like in an anime show.

"I guess you don't want to see your certificate then!"

"No no I want to see it! I'll be right down!" I ran down the stairs so fast I almost fell down again.

"How many times have I told you not to run down the stairs?"


"Oh so you'll remember that but not what it stands for great."

"Sorry I'm just excited."

"Why? It's just a certificate."

Yea but the information is the important part. "Yea but it's my birth certificate."

She handed me the certificate and I took it up stairs. The information baffled me. The information for my dad was left blank I didn't even know you could do that. My mom's side said that my mom was Caroline Petrova. I sighed so she is my mom I mean if she wasn't it would have my dad's name, Chris Roan, on it since they got married on January 1997. But his side does seem weird like if someone tried to cover the name that was there before. I highly doubt it though I mean why would mom do that but then again why would mom separate Augusta and I?

I was born June 10th at 5:30pm in the NHS Nursing Hospital and delivered by Dr.Jones and was given to Caroline Petrova with no info on my dad. I'll send a picture of it to Augusta after she calls me maybe she'll see if it was messed with.


"Hey dad I just realized something."

"Really? What is it honey?"

"I've never actually seen my birth certificate before do we have it? I want to see it."

He hesitated at first but sighed and said "Sure honey it's in that gray box over there but may I ask why your so interested in it?"

"I just want to see how it looks since I've never seen it."

"Oh ok." He seemed unconvinced but let me find the certificate in the box.

The certificate stated that I was born June 10th at 5:00pm in the NHS Nursing Hospital by Dr. Jones. The only thing that seemed weird was that the information for my mom seemed tampered with. Pen marks were scribbled all over it with white out on the name. My dad's side was not tampered with though the name there was John Green. Ok so he is my dad but who is my mom ugh.

I'll call Katherina so she can send me a picture of her certificate and I can send her mind. I wonder if her mom's side was messed up too.

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