chapter 2 -Run

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Picture Of Elijah on the side!

I don't know what happened, I was in a state of panic, I ran as fast as I could. I don't know where I was running, I just followed wherever my feet took me.

Questions flooded my mind:

Why did Stefan tell me to run? Why was he so panicked? What the hell is going on? Was I right, am I in a horror movie? Do I look like a complete mess?

Trees whipped pass and soon enough I arrived at this huge mansion. It was like a palace. I had never seen something so gorgeous in my life. I stopped and admired its beauty but then mentally slapped myself, remember the task at hand.

I sprinted up the steps and used the authentic knockers, banging them as hard as I could. Immediately someone swung open one side of the grand double doors.

He was a man, dressed in a classy suit and his hair was absolutely awesome, when he saw my face he was a bit surprised. He seemed really familiar, probably from the grill, I bartend there, I bet he goes there a lot.

"Rosalie?" he said in a formal tone, though you could obviously hear the worry in his voice, as he moved slightly to the side gesturing for me to come in. A wave of confusion washed over me, well my franticness was still there but more confusion was there now.

How does he know my name? Was I supposed to come here? Oh my god... I'm a psychic. I quickly stepped into the house and began to speak:

"I don't know what's going on,I was in the woods and Stefan, I don't know if you know him, pops up out of no where telling me to run. I just followed wherever my feet took my and I ended up here. I have no idea where 'here' is, though," I rambled out in complete gibberish and somehow he understood me. He paced back and forth a few times, obviously unhappy. Almost....almost as if he knew exactly what was going on.

He was right about to begin to speak when suddenly he grabbed hold of my arm and pushed me into a room, which looked like a formal living "Not a word," he spoke softly and slid the doors closed. Right after I heard the heavy front door swing open and lightly closed, then there were footsteps as if someone had entered the house.

I looked around awkwardly deciding that I would listen to him and stay quiet.

I heard faint voices speaking, Lightly setting my ear against the door, I tried eaves dropping in on what was being said. There was two voices, both male. One, who belonged to the man I had just spoken to, and another with an accent, British maybe? I couldn't tell what they were saying, the voices were faint. All I could conclude was that someone wasn't happy because the conversation ended with yelling from one end. The main door slammed shut as if a five year old threw a tantrum and wanted to be left alone.

The door slowly slid open and the man stepped into the room, and suddenly the room felt classy. This guy had awesome hair and when you look at him, you know he means business. I bet he's a serial killer.

"Forgive me, I did not mean to be so rude but my siblings, except for my dear sister, should not see you here. Do you understand me Miss Williams?" he said sternly. Is he usualy this formal?

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