Chapter 5

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The next morning I awoke to my phone going off. As I rubbed my eyes to take a better look at the screen, I saw that it was an unknown number. Hesitantly I answered to hear a groggy voiced Niall on the other end.

"Hey Jenn, you're up already?"

"Well obviously if I'm answering your call Niall." I laughed. "Who's phone are you using anyways?" I began to sit up from the bed and make my way to the restroom.

"Uh I'm using Liam's. His didn't die last night thankfully. What are you doing?"

"I'm literally about to start brushing my teeth, what about you?" I asked him.

"I just got out the shower. Thankfully this house is filled with a lot of extra stuff. I'm already freshened up. Just chillin with the guys in the living room. I've got a massive headache though." he groaned.

"Headache huh? Who would've known you get those things after getting completely wasted the night prior?" I remarked, the sarcasm evident in my voice.

"Haha, so funny!" I could picture him rolling his eyes at me through the phone. "Listen, are you gonna come for us? I mean we have the car here and all, but I'd feel much better if you drove considering the fact that we're all pretty hungover."

As soon as he mentioned me walking back to the fraternity house, I couldn't help but think of the events that occurred last night with Harry. He literally came out of nowhere after following me from the frat house. It was all strange how everything had played out. Like how exactly did he know what time I was going to leave, and that I was leaving alone? Then after walking me safely back, he made that strange comment and left me alone and confused yet again. It literally made no sense to me at all.

"Hello! Jenn, you still there?" Niall's voice brought me back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll be there in the next 20 minutes, y'all just stay there and wait for me." After saying goodbye, I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair. Going back into my room, I grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt from the nearest drawer and quickly changed. I tucked my phone into my pocket, grabbed my room key, and headed out the door.

The walk began to seem familiar as I continued towards the fraternity house. The only difference was that I felt much safer walking alone right now then I did last night. I had to fight the urge to turn around every few seconds just in case I had an unexpected follower again. I pushed that thought to the back of my head as I noticed that there were other people besides myself walking along the same sidewalks.

After a couple moments of my silent walk, I saw the large house from last night. It looked ten times bigger in the daylight, and suddenly I was thankful that I didn't decide to explore the inside more when I had the chance or else I would've definitely gotten lost.

Walking up the driveway, I dialed the number Niall had called me from earlier.


"Liam? It's me Jenn. I'm walking up to the door already, I didn't know if..."

"Oh good, you're here! The door's open!"

The line clicked off just as I reached the porch. I walked up the steps and gave a small knock at the large maple wood door in front of me.

Seconds later, Mark appeared as he creaked it open.

"Hey! It's you again." His dark hair was up in all different directions as he smiled at me.

"Hi, are the boys here?"

"Sure are, they're in the living room. Come on in." He opened the door completely and motioned for me to walk inside.

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