Chapter 1

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***Julia's POV***

I woke up to the sound of my very annoying alarm clock. Memories of last night started popping up in my head as a began to remember what had happened. I had drank a lot and oh, I slept with my girlfriend Cambrie. I turned over to see Cam sleeping peacefully. I did not want to wake her up because I knew she definitely had more alcohol than me which was unusual for her. She was sixteen and I was eighteen. It is kind of like my best friends relationship, Violet was eighteen and Evan was twenty. It was a two year age difference. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. My head was slightly pounding and I needed some medicine.

"Good morning."

I turned around and saw Cam yawning. She was adorable. Her messy blonde hair was in a low bun and she had put on a loose t-shirt and some shorts.

I replied, "Good morning Cam."

She walked over to me as I have her a cup of water and hugged her.

"You feel okay?"

She looked up at me, "My head hurts."

I looked down at her. She was only a few inches shorter than me, "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to get breakfast?"

She smiled excitedly, "Hell yeah I want to go get breakfast!"

I shoved her slightly, "Come on let's get ready then."


We got into my black 1996 Ford Bronco. I actually loved my car. Sure, it was not the best to others but I seemed to have no problem with it. I lit a cigarette and inhaled as I started driving to this little restaurant. It was named Stormie's. They sold breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's one reason I loved it.

Cam looked at me, "I'll have to go home after this."

I nodded, "Alright."

Unlike my parents, Cam's had rules and cared for her. Although she kind of came out to her parents they did not really know me and her were dating. Them knowing would keep us from doing certain things with each other. Use sleeping over as an example. I had already came out to my mom. She really did not care though. She never cared about anything. I was used to it though. My dad, well we hardly talk anymore. After the divorce two years ago my father moved out and was all upset just like my mom. I wasn't really surprised though because I knew something was off in their relationship.

I got out of the car and grabbed Cam's hand as we walked into Stormie's. Cam was cute. Not your typical bad girl which I obviously respected. I just loved how Cam accepted me despite how shitty I am. We were both comfortable with each other and it was nice. We walked in and were seated at our table.

I looked up from my menu, "What are you going to get?"

She took a minute to look, "I'm just going to get some pancakes and hash browns."

The waitress came, took our orders, and came back with food a few moments later.

I questioned, "Ready for school tomorrow?"

"Totally," she replied with a sarcastically with a smile.

I laughed, "This weekend felt short."

She nodded as she took a bite of her strawberry pancakes. A month of school had gone by and my grades were technically a mess. I had A's, B's, and two D's. I was disappointed but feeling pretty good considering the D's were in my harder classes, English and calculus. I wasn't good with math and English I was just okay in.

We continued eating and shortly left. I began to drive Cam home. She lived about ten minutes away and that was with traffic. It was raining, and you could hear thunder lightly start to rumble. This storm was only going to get worse.

I dropped Cam off at her house. She got out of the car and pulled her hood over her blonde hair. Instead of going straight in she ran to the driver side of the car and looked at me through the window.

I rolled down my window, "Yes?"

She gave me a kiss, "Bye babe."

I smiled, "Bye, get inside before you soaked."


After dropping Cam off I decided to stop by Violet's place. We had things to do today for our project in English, and considering I had a D in that classes I wanted to do somewhat good. I turned on my radio and Lana Del Rey was on. I had a lot of her CD's. She was honestly one of my favorite singers.

It didn't take long for my to finally pull into Violet's driveway. I quickly got out and ran up to her door feeling the cold raindrops hit my bare arms. I knocked on the door and patiently waited for her to open it.

The door swung open, "Well hello."

I smacked my hand to my head, "Really. You're drunk!"

She smirked, "No I'm not drrrunk."

I laughed, "Let me in and give me some."

I walked in and went straight to her basement, that's where she stayed. I knew her parents were not here for the weekend, that's why she was getting drunk durning the day. As I finished walking down the last few steps I saw three bottles of alcohol. Tequila, vodka, and this cinnamon whiskey. I went straight for the tequila. I love tequila, yes vodka was absolutely amazing but come on, tequila was just the best.

"So why'd you come over," Violet asked cluelessly.

"Well I figured we could finish our English project but seeing as you're drunk and I have tequila in my hands I doubt that'll happen," I explained.

After a few hours it was getting late. We were both pretty tipsy and I needed to be home soon. Luckily Evan and his older sister Krissy showed up. I knew I wasn't able to drive home after drinking all that alcohol.

Evan spoke, "You guys are crazy."

I replied, "That's what makes us fun! Now drive me home please."

Krissy drove Evans car while I rode with him in mine, that way I could have car back at my place.

I spoke, "Thanks Evan. Thanks Krissy."

Krissy gave me a hug, "You're welcome wild child. Now get some rest before you have an extra bitchy mood tomorrow."

I laughed walking up to my door and waving goodbye to them. I went to my room and put on some comfortable clothes. After I walked into my kitchen to make dinner. My mom was hardly home to do that for me. I packed my book bag, and my 3/4 finished English project.

Oh well.

I ate, brushed my teeth, and went into my room. I know I could be going to bed, but I had started a new season of Shameless on Netflix and wanted to watch it. So that's what I did. Thank god I had study hall tomorrow first block. I can just sleep in there.

This chapter wasn't much but I promise it'll get better!

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