Chapter 12

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Julia's POV:

  It was Friday again so I planned something special for Avery. I was getting paid today and was going to put it towards this weekend. I told my dad about her. Well not who she was but I told him that I was in a relationship with a girl and I wanted to spend the weekend with her. I asked him to get a bottle of wine and I'd pay him back. He was hesitant at first but gave in knowing he could trust me. I was taking Avery up to the beach. I had family that lived there so my mom and dad had a house up there of their own. We'd go stay there for the summer with everyone. I packed my bag and headed over to pick up my paycheck. After I went to the gas station, filled up the tank, and bought food and drinks. I learned that Avery likes salty food from being with her more. Fortunately I'm a salty girl too. I went to her house to pick her up. She didn't know where we were going so I was excited.

"Hello honey," I said wife like as she opened the door.

I tried walking in but she stopped me, "Please tell me where we're going sweetie."

I kissed her and laughed, "Nope."

She moved her arm that was blocking me from entering her house and I walked in. I went straight to her room and started picking clothes for her to pack.

"What are you doing," she questioned.

"I'm packing silly," I said, "Where's your bathing suit?"

She walked over to her closet and got out her suitcase and bathing suit. She helped me finish packing still clueless as to where we were going. I think she may have figured out something because I asked her to bring her bathing suit. She walked up behind me as I carrying her suitcase to the car.

"Are we running away," she asked.

I laughed. She was so cute, "We are going on a little vacation." I spoke.

I put her bag in the trunk and opened the door for her to get in the car. She saw the snacks I bought and smiled. I hurried onto the other side and got in.

"It'll be 2 hours before we get there. I got snacks and music to keep us entertained. Sit back and relax," I said grabbing her hand and kissing it.

She opened her mouth, "I knew it! The beach! We are going to the beach."

I shook my head and winked, "You win."


It was 5:54pm and I was turning into the neighborhood. I looked over at Avery her hand was in mine but she was asleep. I parked the car and woke her up. Her eyes lit up and she got out of the car quickly taking her things inside. I grabbed my stuff and followed her. We walked inside and went upstairs to the second floor. That is where all the bedrooms are. She chose the one she wanted us to sleep in. It was facing the beach so we could see the water. I showed her the third floor. It had the living room and kitchen. She went to the window and stared outside.

"This is a nice view," she spoke softly.

"It is isn't it," I replied.

Although we couldn't necessarily get in the water because it was still cold we could still go lay in the sand.

"Im going to order some pizza and then we can go down to see it," I said placing my hand on her back.

She nodded and kissed me. I went to go order the pizza. I got two large pizzas because why not? We sat down and watched tv until the pizza got there. Avery sat close to me and I laid my head on her shoulder.

"What made you want to do this," she asked.

"Well I mean we're together aren't we? I wanted to do something special to show how much you mean to me," I spoke looking up at her.

She smiled, "I'm glad we could do this. Thank you."


After eating I grabbed a blanket and headed outside where Avery was waiting for me. We walked to the beach and sat down watching the sunset. I had lit a small fire so we could stay warm. The blanket was wrapped around the both of us and Avery held me in her arms.

I know this chapter is a bit boring and short but I wanted to get it up. The next chapter will be better I swear.

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