Chapter 16

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Julia's POV:

About a month went by and I was finally done with school. Avery and I never got caught. I passed every class luckily. I wasn't going to college either. I was taking a year off school.

"Julia," Avery spoke.

"Yes," I replied sitting down on the couch next to her.

She smiled, "Do you want to move in?"

My mouth dropped open, "Yes! Really?"

"Yes," she laughed.

I hugged her and smothered her with kisses. She laughed and pushed me off of her.

"This is going to be amazing," she said.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door.

"Let's go start packing my things now," I said.

She smiled, "Okay!"

As soon at I opened the door everything went black.


I woke up with a sharp pain on my head. When I opened my eyes it was dark. I placed my hand on the source of the pain. Although I couldn't see too much I could tell I was bleeding. I tried getting up but my leg was chained to the ground.

"Avery," I called out.

There was no answer.

"Help somebody please," I yelled.

There was nothing but silence. I was scared and figured me scream wouldn't help. Tears fell out of my eyes as I sat there alone. I needed to find Avery. I knew that I was with her before whatever happened, happened. I can't let her get hurt.

Welp this became mysterious. I know this chapter is extremely short. Summer is coming which means I'll finally have free time.

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