Chapter 3

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Julia's POV:

I waited inside of my car for Cam so I could take her home. It was now Tuesday and school ended. Today had been really tiring and I didn't even get to see Miss. Scott. Not that it was important I was just wondering what she looked like today. I saw Cam walk up to me smiling, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Hello Julia," she said hoping into my car.

"Hey sunshine," I replied.

I called her sunshine because that's literally what she is. Well at least most of the time. She was just a bright spirit I guess you could say. I was holding back on telling her I got in trouble again today. That of course though would dampen her mood since she wanted me to good in school.

She questioned me, "You okay?"

I sighed, " I got in trouble today. Mrs.Randal got mad at me for the stupidest shit ever."

She nodded, "Go on."

"She said to fix my shirt and I asked her what was wrong with it she said my stomach was out. Mind you my belly button wasn't even showing Cambrie. I then said my stomach was barely showing. Of course she had to get attitude and say I was disrespecting my body for wearing a shirt like that. Honestly that's ridiculous. I said I wasn't changing and she sent me out of the room, because less than an inch of my stomach was showing," I rambled catching my breath at the end.

Cam sighed but then smiled, "Hey, it's not the worst thing you've done. It's okay."

I smiled at her thankful she wasn't mad. In that moment our eyes met and Cam grabbed my hand. I leaned in and softly planted a kiss on her lips. When we pulled away, I went to turn on my car and saw Miss.Scott. She was sitting in her car that was parked right in front of me. We gave each other a glance and I had wondered if she saw me and Cam kiss. Miss.Scott seemed to not want to associate with me for some odd reason so I just let it be and went on with my life.

I turned to Cam, "Want to go out to eat right now?"

She nodded excitedly, "Yes. You always ask me to get food with you like it's some sort of real question."

I laughed, "Oh my, alright then let's go."


We walked into Stormie's and took our seats in a small booth covered in dark red leather. A waitress came by and we ordered drinks while waiting for Violet and Evan to arrive. I had asked Cam if she was alright with me inviting them and she said it was fine. We hadn't really been out on a double date in a long time.

After eating we all left. I took Cam home like always. I didn't mind it really. It was 6:27pm and I pulled into my driveway seeing my moms car. Curiosity took over my body as a got out and went inside.

"Mom," I called out.

I turned the corner and there she was, sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer. She wasn't really alcoholic. She would usually drink a little more than me. I just continued to look at her. She looked pretty alright to me. She got up and walked over to me.

"You slept with a girl," she questioned.

I was really confused. This was just the other day and last time I checked she wasn't at the house. She had an uncomfortable look on her face. I did not understand since I had come out to her why it would be such a big deal. It might be that I had sex but she never seems to care about anything else I do.

"What do you mean," I tried to play it off.

She stared at me, "I heard you. I came to my home and heard you."

"Mom it's--," she cut me off and grab my wrist.

"How could you be such a disgusting person," she said angrily, tightening the grip she had on my wrist.

I'll admit I was scared. My mom was never abusive to me. My arm was really starting to hurt as she yelled at me. I winced in pain but she continued. I did not like her yelling at me, let alone her squeezing the shit out of my wrist.

"I thought you didn't care I liked girls," I finally said.

She stopped and looked me dead in the eye, "That is not how you live. It is a phase so don't get too comfortable with it."

I shook my head, "No mom. It is not a phase. I really like girls and I really like Cam,"

After that I felt sharp pain across my face. I blinked realizing my mom just hit me. I started tearing up but refused to let the tears fall. My face felt like I had needles hitting my face. I couldn't stand to stay here any longer. I grabbed my stuff and began to walk out of the door.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going Julia," she said furiously.

"Away," I kept my answer short.

"You can't just leave. I'm your mother. You do what I say," she said grabbing my wrist again.

I yanked my hand away from her, "I'm eighteen which means I make my own decisions. Good bye mother."


"She hurt you," Violet asked.

I nodded, "Pretty shitty."

"Well let's go back and get you some things. You can stay here if you'd like," she said hugging me.

I was trying to be strong but it was hard. Mostly because my wrist hurt. I was putting up a pretty strong battle with my eyes trying to keep the tears in.
I got into Violet's car and we started off to my house. It was silent, not an awkward silent. I stared out the window as we drove along the road that was empty and all you could see was green fields. It was groggy outside and all I could do was give up and let the tears slowly fall out of my eyes, letting out a few sniffles.

Violet glanced at me, "It's going to be alright."

I looked at her without saying anything as we pulled into my driveway. I hated the fact I looked so vulnerable right now. Yes I get sad but this was different. My mother was gone though and that's all that mattered. I wouldn't have to face her.

I totally put a different name when it's was supposed to be Julia's POV. Please excuse that mistake lol!

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