Chapter 9

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Avery's POV:

I had just got done reading all of the students journals. I saved Julia's for last and when I read it I was surprised. I mean it obviously about me. Today was Friday and I had her for study hall so I planned on talking to her about it. It was always awkward between us anyways and I didn't like it.

Julia arrived with Violet and they sat in the back like usual. Julia laid her head down on the desk. The bell rung and we listened to the morning announcements. I took role marking who was here and who was absent. I looked at Julia again. I couldn't tell if she was asleep or not.

"Julia," I spoke nudging her a little.

"Can I speak with you out in the hallway please?"

She nodded, "Okay."

We stepped in the hallway and I closed the door completely shut. I know some students like to be nosy. I turned and looked at her. She looked a little tired today. Her hair was in a loose ponytail and she wasn't wearing any makeup. Her eyes had dark circles under them but she still managed to look better than every person at this school.

"I wanted to talk about your journal.... and us," I said getting a little quieter.

"What about it," she asked.

"I know it was about me. Julia I do not want you to think you're a bad person because of that. I also want us to put all the awkwardness behind us," I said making eye contact with her.

"I don't want it to be awkward either and I know I'm not a bad person. I talked about it with Cam when we went out," Julia explained.

Cambrie and Julia went out? We they getting back together? I felt jealousy rush through my body. I scolded myself mentally. I should not get jealous. I was the one who broke it off with Julia. I mean if there even was anything and for the 1038494 time it could never work. I don't know why I can not get over her.

"We just friends," Julia began to speak.

I narrowed my eyes, "I know we are silly."

"No me and Cam are just friends so you can calm down," she smiled, "you're so obvious."

I smiled back, "I'm not but whatever it wouldn't even matter if you guys were back together."

But it did matter. It mattered to me. For 2 months I've known Julia. I do not know every little detail about her but I know that she makes me feel weird inside. She's beautiful and smart if she puts her mind to it. I wanted her.

"I think we should go inside Miss.Scott," she said jokingly and then walked back into the classroom.


  School ended and I walked into the teacher work room and saw another teacher I've gotten close with since I started working here.
Her name was Jessica Kemp. She was pretty and very nice.

"Hello," she said sitting beside me.

I smiled, "Hi."

"So I just wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go get dinner with me sometime," Jessica spoke.

  It hit me. Maybe this was it. My way to get over Julia. Maybe just maybe going out with Jessica (which I'm guess and kind of hoping likes girls) will help me take my mind off of Julia for a while.

I stood up and grabbed my purse, "How about tonight?"

Jessica stood up too, "Really? Okay sounds perfect!"

We both walked out to our cars. It was only 5:24pm. I didn't know where to go and I didn't want to get too fancy so I asked Jessica where she wanted to go. She said there was a small shop called Stormie's we could go to. I agreed I to meet her there at 6:30. It gave me time to go home and freshen up a bit. I was a little excited for this dinner.

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