Chapter Eight.

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-Hey guys! Sorry for the long awaited chapter, it's been so busy at school and stuff, so I've had no time. I promise, 'Chapter Nine' will be up later this week. Fan, vote and comment! I love the comments you guys leave me c: love you to the moon and back ;) xxx-

Alex's Pov.

Anthony and Ian have been sleeping with me at the hospital. Ariana has too. They are really amazing. I thought they would go home and sleep there, because the hospital chairs are so uncomfortable, but they stayed to their word. Ariana's been sleeping in her stroller, with a blanket over her, and over the stroller so no light gets in. Ariana tends to not go to sleep if she sees lights on. She's a little trouble maker. But we love her, either way. Anthony had brought in his laptop to work on some Smosh stuff, while Ian had brought in his laptop too, but to play games and do random shit on. I on the other hand, had a book to read. It was called, 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid.' I know it's a kid's book but hey, I love reading that sort of stuff. The comics and the way 'Jeff Kidney,' has set it out; grabbed my attention.

Childish, I know. But did I care? No. Not one single bit.

I'm into the childish books; I love me a good comedy child's book. It takes me back from when I was a little girl. Not knowing what the future held. We didn't have these sorts of books but I wish we had of. All we had when we were growing up were stupid picture books, with no meaning or storyline. Just what the author came up with off the top of their head. They were pathetic; and I hated them a lot. That's why I'm glad Ariana was born now, because she'll be able to experience what all the new-born babies will experience when they're older.

"Hey Alex," Anthony asked, setting down his laptop on the nearby table next to me. He had shut the lid and gotten up out of his seat. He sat next to me, and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly. "Are you getting any sleep?"

I pressed my lips together, licking them because they were dry. I smiled at Anthony and squeezed back. "Yeah," I said. "I'm getting enough sleep."

"I'm just making sure Ariana isn't getting you up early, because you need all the sleep you can get," Anthony said kissing my cheek.

"I know, Ian told me." I giggled. I love how Anthony and Ian care. I'm sure as hell, Jett wouldn't. He's the one that did this to me. I hate him with every inch of my body.

"I told you what?" Ian asked, confused but still playing his beloved game.

"You told me to get all the rest I can get," I said, while moving my hair out of my eyes. "To get better. I told you Ian, I'm getting better. I'm fine. Except that I can't move properly, but it's a work in progress."

"Progress which you're doing well on," Ian said shutting his lid, finally taking a break from his game. "So the doctors said to us."

"Well that's good," I said, smiling. Anthony and Ian smiled too. It's good I'm making progress because then, finally; I can get out once I'm better. I hate hospital foods. Gross. "I can't wait until I'm out of here. I hate hospitals. They creep me out, with all the constant beeping of machines and people coughing."

"We hate hospitals too," Anthony said, checking on Ariana. She was still sound asleep. Lucky. "But to get our beloved daughter, we had to be here."

I laughed quietly. Anthony and Ian then smiled and sat on the bed next to me. I felt safe and secure around them. They are like brothers to me, and I can't forget that. They've done so much for me; I don't know how to ever repay them. Mostly because they won't accept the gift, like; 'Just accept it,' but they won't. They are, how do you say­­­—stubborn— in many ways possible. But I love them anyway.

"Hey," I said to Ian, taking his hand. "Can you ask the doctor when I can get out of here, I hate it here."

"Sure Alex."

Ian got up and walked out of the room, closing the door. I saw him walk up to the front desk and ask. The lady behind it smiled and nodded. I couldn't exactly see what she was saying but it was something. Not long after, Ian returned.

"The nurse said later this week," He said, smiling. "Once they know that you can move properly, without any pain."

"Later this week?" I asked, groaning in response. "That's so long away, I want to get out now."

"Alex," Anthony said, looking into my eyes. "You have to wait babe. Otherwise, you'll be in here longer because you've broken something important. We'll be here; we're staying here until you leave."

I can always count on Anthony to make me smile. He's that kind of person. His presence just lights up the room and his smile lights up the world. That's why I hate it when he's crying or down because his smile isn't present, his sadness is taking over him.

"Okay, Okay," I admitted, while licking my lips. Man, my lips were dry lately, I wonder why. "I'll stay here until I'm released, promise."

"Good," Anthony said kissing my hand, like a real gentleman. "You do as you're told missy, or you'll be hearing from me and Ian."

"Oh, I will," I said laughing. "I'll be a good girl for that doctor." Jokily, Anthony and Ian laughed quietly because we didn't want to disturb Ariana from her beauty sleep. Ariana is a little cutey.

Anthony and Ian grabbed their laptops and just got back to doing what they were doing leaving me out, as usual. I cleared my throat, and it made them look over at me.

"Yes Alex?" Ian asked, while slightly turning his head to look at me, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Don't leave me out," I pouted, crossing my arms like a little girl. "I hate being left out."

"I'm sorry Alex," Anthony said, with a worried look. "It's just—Smosh stuff is literally taking over my life—I'm sorry."

"No, no," I said smiling. "It's alright. I was talking about Mr Padilla over here."


"Hello to you too, sir." I joked, laughing.

Ian made grunting noises and I laughed. You can always have a joke with them boys. I prefer hanging out with boys than girls. Girls always seem to have problems and I can't solve them. I'm not a therapist, or a councillor. Maybe they sound see a professional, not me. I haven't had classes on that, nor will I.

What makes them think I'm any good at that stuff. Girls are hard to understand—will all their problems, walking around thinking they are better because they didn't cause the problems—when in reality, they start everything. I know I'm a girl and all, but I'm not like that. I'm better than that. I'm so much better.

I'll never be one of them, ever.

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