Chapter Thirteen.

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--Hey guys, Okay. Let me explain myself for not updating early. I had writer's block for a few days, which made me have to think of what to do for this scene. Second; I've been so busy lately, I HOPE I'll be able to update earlier than I did for this update. Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS I SWEAR I LOVE YOU GUYS. This chapter is dedicated to my 100th follower; Isabel. (PokeSmosh) xx

Follow me, because I'm just that awesome. (Shameless self -promotion because why not?;))

Vote and comment, I love reading comments when there is new ones. I reply to them most of the time and I just love you guys.

Stay perfect and remember; I love you xx----

Anthony's Pov.

Alex, Ariana and I got to the hotel we were staying at while Alex booked the plane tickets. We had a portable crib for Ariana already in the car boot and her stroller. Ariana was still asleep, so while Alex was sorting out the plane tickets, I set up her crib. There were two separate beds. One for Alex; then one for me. I put the crib at the end of my bed, putting Ariana inside it once I had put blankets and stuff down. She snuggled up to her teddy bear and fell asleep.

"Thank god she's asleep and didn't hear any of the arguing," I said, sighing as I flopped onto my bed. "She would have cried."

"She'll probably wake up and wonder where she is," Alex said, accepting the plane tickets. "I'll calm her down if you're still sleeping."

"Thanks Alex," I said sitting up, tucking my legs so I was sitting like a little school boy. "Means the world."

"You know how much I love Ariana, I honestly don't mind."

"I never knew in my lifetime, I would find someone as amazing as you," I admitted, smiling. Alex blushed, facing the computer. I smirked. "Someone's blushing."

"Am not."

"Are too," I chuckled. Ariana was moving in her sleep, making little groaning noises as she stretched her limbs from being asleep in that one position for too long. I chuckled at her and so did Alex.

"She's such a sweetie," Alex said, shutting the laptop lid, getting up and pushing in the chair. She got her Pj's and went into the bathroom to change. A few minutes later, she came out changed and ready for bed.

"I know she is," I said, settling down in my bed. "I can't wait until we're in New York."

"Same here," Alex said, getting settled in her bed too. "Night Anthony."

"Night Alex."

Before we knew it, we were both asleep.

In the morning, Ariana had us up at 10:00am, so Alex got up with her. Not long after, I got up too. Our plane leaves at 12:45pm and we like to be there an hour early, just in case it leaves early. Alex had made the beds while I got Ariana ready; she was wearing a little cute panda t-shirt with some little jeans and her flip-flops with a heel strap. They're literally so cute. We folded the crib up and put it in a bag along with the stroller. I carried Ariana down first and put her in the car. Then; I grabbed some of the bags and brought them down. Alex hopped in the front as I buckled in Ariana. After I'd buckled her in, I closed the door and hopped into the driver's seat. Buckling myself in, I started the engine and we adventured to the airport.

Once we got there, I parked the car in a spot so when we come back, we can get it easily. I hopped out of the driver's seat and Alex hopped out of her seat too. I went into the trunk and got out Ariana's stroller and I got her out of the car. She was wide awake and hugging her teddy. I wheeled some suitcases behind me as I pushed her stroller. Alec carried Ariana's bed and bag. She's such a sweet-heart. Alex sat down on a seat in the waiting area and I parked Ariana's stroller near her.

"I'm going to get our tickets," I said as Alex nodded. Walking over to the counter, the lady asked where our tickets were and I told her we ordered them online. She went on her computer and asked for my last name, I told her and she said they're booked. She printed them out and handed them too me. I thanked her and walked over to Alex.

"So our flight leaves in an hour," I said to Alex, as I parked up in the seat. "It's going to be a long wait."

"Yeah, but we have Ari—" Before Alex could finish her sentence, she noticed Ariana asleep in the stroller. "Well, there goes that theory."

"She's always tired, we can't have any fun with her," I chuckled; getting up and lowering the stroller back, so she could lie down. I grabbed a blanket and put it over her, so the light didn't get in her eyes.

"She's so cute when she sleeps," Alex said, in awe.

"She's adorable when she's awake and when she's asleep." I chuckled, looking around.

"Hey, look who's over there," Alex said pointing, I looked over and it was Kalel, with someone. I felt like punching her in the face.

"Ah," I laughed. "What is she wearing?"

"I don't know," Alex laughed along. "Trying to get guys obviously."

"I wonder if anyone would 'Holla,' at her." I joked and Alex laughed really hard.

"Stop," She choked in-between laughs. "My stomach is hurting from laughing so much."

"Sorry Alex," I said, looking around for a food place. "Hungry, there's a food place over there, I can get us something."

"Staved," Alex said. "Get me the same as you." I got up and was about to walk over when Alex called my name. "Don't forget to get Ari something."

I nodded, making my way over to the McDonalds, ordering Alex, Ari and I something to eat. It took like 5 minutes and when I got them; I walked back over to Alex. She started to eat it and I did the same.

"Thank you for breakfast," Alex said, finishing off her breakfast.

"Welcome," I finished my breakfast after Alex and threw our trash in the bin. Our plane seemed to take more than an hour and we found out it got delayed.

"Plane 45, leaving for New York, has been delayed an extra 10 minutes, due to late landing."

"Delayed, seriously? We've been here an hour and a half and we're still sitting here," Alex said, in rage. She was not happy that we had to wait.

"Seriously, if they knew it was going to be late, why didn't they say earlier," I sighed, leaning back on my seat.

10 Minutes had pasted and Alex has fallen asleep in her seat. Her head was on my shoulder and her legs were on the back of the stroller. She looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake her up.

"Plane 45, leaving for New York is now boarding. Sorry for the delay."

"Alex," I shook her and she woke up. "We're boarding now."

"About time," She said, waking up and stretching. She grabbed her bag and Ariana's along with the crib, while I wheeled my suitcase and pushed the stroller at the same time.

"Time to go to New York," I said as I handed the lady our tickets and we boarded the plane.

Goodbye California, hello New York.

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