Joker x reader

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*This joker is the jared leto joker because have you seen him!!!!

*This joker is the jared leto joker because have you seen him!!!!

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So here we go!

You were walking with your friends to this bomb ass club that just opened up, and you heard go things about this place. You are 24, single and just living your life. You had a black sexy mid-thigh dress on with black heels, You were working it honey!!!

The minute you walked in the club, your whole body was shaking. You can smell sweat and alcohol everywhere. There was a cage in the middle of the dance floor, dance circles and drinks everywhere!! You lost your friends in the crowd so you were alone, Great (note the sarcasm). This drunk guy came up to you and slap your butt.

"Hey sweet checks wanna leave this place and have some fun?" he asked.  His breathe smelled like beer and ass.

"No thanks I'm good" you said politely as you tried to step away from him. He grabbed your wrist.

"Your coming with me if you like it or not" he said as he was pulling you out of the club. You tried to resist but he had a grip on you. You kicked him in the back in the leg so he could fall. You ran fast as you can until you bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry...." You said until you stop completely and stared at who you bumped into. It was THE FUCKING JOKER!!!!!!!!! You knew you were fucked for sure.

"It's ok baby, why are you running anyway?" He asked. You told him a drunk guy wanted to have some fun and tired to bring you home with him but you kicked him in the leg and got away. He listened to every word, and told you to stay here with you. You wondered what he was going to do until you heard a gun shot. Your heart stopped. Oh shit. 

He came back with a little blood on him. He looked at you and smiled. You saw his silver teeth, it was kinda hot. 

"You didn't need to do that" you said. He looked at you and chuckled.

"Yes I did cause he was being rude to a very beautiful woman" he said as he was walking to you. You blushed and said stop it (God i am basic). 

"What's your name?" He asked after he grabbed and kissed your knuckle. 

"Y/N" you said with a smile showing off your pretty teeth. He liked that, people are usually scared of him but he felt like you were different. 

"Well, Y/N I am coming back to my club next week, would you like to meet up?" He asked.

"This is your club!!!" You said supersized.He nodded. I mean he is the joker, he can do what ever he wants open a club, kill a person, and sweep a girl off her feet.

"Yeah I would love to meet up with you" You said with confidence. He laughed, with that sexy laugh of his. You thought it was hot, well everything is hot with him, even it is weird. You started to walk home but a car pulled up. 

"Ma'am, The Joker asked me to take you home" a man said. You looked back and saw him wave. So, you hopped in and told him where you live. On your way home you thought "Wow tonight was crazy but a good crazy". This is a night you won't forget, and you had a feeling you would see The Joker more often.     

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry i haven't written in a while, again i couldn't think of anything and school is being a bitch so yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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