Barely Alive

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The bullet hit Kate's chest as the agents looked at her, shocked. They ran to her and unzipped her jacket, only to discover that she was wearing a bullet-proof vest. Gibbs and Tony both sighed in relief.

"You okay?" Tony asked, concerned.

"Owww..I just got shot at point-blank range, DiNozzo." Kate groaned. "What do you think?"

"You're not gonna be going to Pilates class tomorrow?" he joked.

She moaned and closed her eyes tightly.

"Protection detail's over, Kate." Gibbs told her as both of the male agents lifted her up. She opened her eyes again and squinted at her surroundings.

"You did good," Tony complimented with a smirk.

For once, DiNozzo's right." Gibbs said.

Was it over? They weren't sure. But they saved the lives of hundreds of people who were on the ship and that meant they complete their goal.

"Wow." Kate chuckled. "I thought I'd die before I ever heard-"

It was as if the whole scene was in slow motion. Kate turned to her right as a shot rang. In a flash, Tony felt the blood dripping off his face. His first instinct was to check on Kate and Gibbs. He turned to them both and saw only Gibbs standing with the same expression them at Tony had on his face: Guilt. Kate wasn't dead, she couldn't be, yet they already both felt guilty. Tony looked down at the floor and saw Kate clutching her shoulder.

"Oh shit!" Tony said out loud as he bent over. He took off his jacket and applied pressure to the wound. She had already lost a lot of blood and was slowly losing consciousness.

"Kate!! Stay with us!!" Tony begged, pressing the clothing a bit harder.

Kate nodded slowly and attempted to open her eyes. She couldn't do it. Her chest wasn't hurting anymore, but her shoulder was on fire!

"I'll....try..." Kate managed to whisper. She kept her gaze on Tony mostly, trying not to look away or close her eyes. She was so tired, maybe a small break wouldn't hurt?

"Kate...." was the last thing she heard before she fell unconscious.

"I called the hospital," Gibbs said. "How is she?"

"Boss...she's not waking up."

*To Be Continued...*

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