Dark Void and A World of Colors

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Dark void that cover me. Dark void that feeds of me. Dark void that hunts me. that press my heart, that takes my dreams, please let me out.

From this cold feeling, from this hatefull sorrow, let me retur to what I use to be. A happy soul, that sees everything in colors and shines, that can ignore worries, that can ignore fears, that can be confident.

Dark void that covers me. I have get use to your arms, to your safety, to your love. But at the same time I hate your memory, your worry, and your missplacement, and lack of confidence. I wish to get out, but I see no scape, everything is black, everything is tears, everything is sorrow. what makes me happy beacomes my pain.

Why I can't trust? Why I can't resist? Why can't I learn? Why am I in pain? After everything all I see is darkness, in my mind, in my heart, in my soul. Alone here without any scape.

Even if is a dream, even if is a hope, one day I see a crack of sunshine and rainbowl at the horizon of this void. I don't know what it is, I don't know who it was, I don't know what it means.

I only want to go there, to see this shine of colors, In my path some times it got smaller, some times it got bigger, but it still unsertain to me how far it is, and what it was.

The crack of colors came closer, the void full of tears became smaller. I finally knew what the colors were, and find out that the light that shine upon me was filled with sorrows of grudness and tears, that clowded his vision, that his thoughs were sad. I tried to make it smile and forget his sorrows, even at my own cost, but the light became shiner.

The crack was closer, the void was smaller, even if it was a little, the light became shiner, and some sorrows calm the hunting, happiness was close, for the ligth and me, a world of laughs was near.

The ligth sometimes diminish, some times it grows, I tried to help the light in anything, in his trobles and tears, in his fights and grudges, so I became as strong as I could and tried to absorb his darkess fill of fears and tears, to chear his heart, to chear his thoughs, to make it able to breath, able to smile.

My soul didn't matter the pain and worries. I was acostume to pain, that stealed my slep. And sorrows, that make me cry...

Now something's different, the crack of colors is fading, and the light isn't so intense, now I worried, the void covers it all again, only a smaller pice of the crack is left.

My heart worries, my soul cries, and my smile fades away in the darkness. I knew that the crack may dissapear from the start, but I didn'care, I want it to bring it happiness, bring it laughs and blush, and show it how beautiful the world could be, taking the light out of his sorrows and show it happiness and sings of joy.

But a familiar fealing comes to me, and terrorize me, I don't want to lose the light that brough me purpose and joy, I became uncertain of things, became worried, and enter in fear, my former dark self covers me, and makes it harder to run to the light, the laughs and colors seem now like a far away dream.

Now I fell bad, I don't want the light to dissapear or the crack to close, my fears prive me of my reason. I fight against it, but it keeps haunting me. I tried to erase it, by being certain again, as best as I can, to make the light grow again.

Dark void that covers me, let me free. Dark void that feeds of me, let me be me. Dark void that haunts me, let me rest. Dark void that kills me, let me reach the light of colors and laughs, and make her happy.


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