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Nashi and Storm slowly walked out at the back of the guild and saw everyone sitting down on blankets, watching up at the sky. "The stars are beautiful.." Nashi whispered before taking Storm's hand and running with him towards Juvia and Gray who sat besides a tree.

"Hey!" Nashi yelled, walking up to them "Oh you're just in time Nashi, fireworks are about to start soon" Juvia smiled, digging in a basket and taking out two bananas. "Here you two go, you must be hungry" Juvia said, giving them both a banana. "Thank you Aunty" "Thanks..and by the way mummy have you seen Natsu?" Storm asked, looking around the place.

"Oh him, he's off to come back" "Where did daddy go?" Nashi asked "To buy you something" Gray said, wrapping an arm around his wife.

"Me?" Nashi's eyes sparkled "I love gifts.." the two chuckled "Well I don't know what it may be but..whatever.." Gray picked up the drink besides him and took a sip. "Wait..but Aunty said when you two said your vows, you promised not to drink" Nashi mumbled and Juvia looked at Gray and gave him a little smile.

"For your information Nashi it's juice okay.." "Oh.." the girl mumbled.

"And where's mummy?" "Lucy went with Natsu" "Oh so...they left me all alone" Nashi pouted "Nashi!" a voice called and the girl turned to the person, it was Mira walking up to her holding a plate of something..

"Here you go Nashi" the female smile, giving her a slice of strawberry cake. "Strawberry cake! thank you Mira!" she took the plate and picked up the slice, ready to devour it but a hand snatched the slice away from her hands and she gasped.

"Storm.." Gray groaned.

"Hey give that back Storm!" "No we're gonna share it" Storm said "I don't want to share it- give that back!" she stretched for it but he kept it out of her reach "No!" "Storm give Nashi back her cake, you'll get yours later" Juvia said.

"But mummy..." Nashi snatched the cake from him but by accident, squashed it in the palm of her hand. "No!" she screamed, looking terrified.

"Oh.." Storm mumbled but gulped when she glared at him " killed my cake!" "I did not! you snatched it from-" "Prepare for pain!" his eyes widened and he quickly ran away from the psychotic child. "Get back here!!" Nashi ran after him.

"And there they go again.." both Juvia and Gray sweat dropped.


"Storm!!" "Nashi I said I was sorry!" Storm yelled, running around Gajeel and Levy in circles. "Grr.." the male growled "Why are you guys running?" the bookworm asked "Storm! he killed my cake!" "I did not, it was you!" Storm cried.

"Uh.." Levy scratched the back of her head.

"Kids I suggest you two run around someone else, watching you makes me dizzy" Gajeel groaned, his red eyes landing on Levy "What?" the bookworm asked "Tell them to stop" Gajeel said "I told them stop over 3 minutes ago, they're not listening to me!"

"Grr.. I had enough!!" Gajeel stood up and held both Storm and Nashi by their shirts. "Hey!" they yelled in unison "Come on children, go bother someone else..." he set them down and they ran in other directions. "Finally.." Gajeel sighed, sitting back down next to Levy.

"Wow...they listened.." Levy said surprised. "Yeah..those brats.." Gajeel grumbled "Why do you got to be sour all the time?" "Because that's the way I am" Gajeel glared at her. "Wow I feel sorry for the girl who'll make your babies because she'll go through pressure living with one stubborn Gajeel and other..Gajeels.." his eyes softened.

"What?" he asked and she looked at him "What?" she asked.


Storm kept running but tripped over someone's feet and he fell, his face landing in a bowl of salad. Nashi stopped her running and started laughing, pointing at Storm. "Haha you fell!"

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