There stood beauty in front of the mirror, her long braided brunette hair hung by her side, her blue eyes dazzled through the reflection of the mirror, her tall figure compatible to her weight, a body that all girls would kill for. Her light skin complexion was the final aspect that defined her; she was beauty, a goddess to be reckoned with, her beauty and her intelligence could not be ousted. Melissa gaped at herself in the mirror, completing her final checks before she went about her shopping ritual, her button-like nose sat perfectly on her face, and her smile was blinding. Short-Short jeans and a black flannel singlet complemented her silver sandals embroidered with plastic diamonds.
I completed my quick checks, and jolted down the stairs. It was Saturday and midmorning, no one to be seen, not mum nor dad. Sometimes I wish I had a sibling but there's nothing you can do about it. I guess there was no luck for my parents, that, or my parents used contraceptives... I wasn't in the mood for breakfast, I barely eat during the week before University, and so I fell accustomed to my new regime. Shit! I completely forgot that I had a thesis statement due for my course on Friday. "Methods and formalities on educating HSC students", yay! Thank God it was my last year at university, then I would become a fully qualified teacher, not long to go, just ten months till December and I'll be adorning the red cap.
I walked out the door embracing the warm sun, making sure everything was secured, wouldn't want mummy having a fit. I gracefully walked down the steps of the patio to my car parked in the drive way. Jeez! I love my Corolla; it's like a cute little bug.
Walking into Parramatta Westfield, shops side by side illuminated by flashy advertisements; candles, food, clothing, electronics, department stores, it's amazing what the world has come to. Seventy years ago there were no electrical appliances or gizmos.
"Melissa!" I hear some yell my name. I turn around in anticipation, Yara my best friend waving at me a couple of metres away. The bitch is always here, I roll my eyes and throw a cheeky smile. We peck our traditional three kisses, one on each side, a tradition we've held since high school. I gaze at Yara's body, her sheik fashion is manifest, her long hair extensions meet her waist line, and her gorgeous face projecting emotion as we talk. Our association together usually brings chaotic situations, especially when were around guys. The great thing about our relationship is that we don't follow the typical girl routines; it's against our ideology to correlate with men, let alone live a 'liberal life style'. Our main concerns are our education, our family, and our pride; how people would view us amongst other 'free' girls especially living surrounded by middle easterners. Wife material is a word that is thrown around a lot, a world that I despise, but a favourite from the view of Arab men.
When I contemplate these situations, guys are seen as the domineering aspect of society whereas the females are viewed as inferior, a pity. Society is so fucked up, why should men be able to do whatever they wants and in the end not be judged about it, while girls are judged on every little step they take. Pfft! Then you have the charming men that reiterate their idea of accepting females in whatever manner they come, yeah right! I may seem to be a feminist in eyes of many independent girls, however, like my culture I accept that one day I will be married, have children, work hard for a living, and live a happy prosperous life, equity with my husband, but that a long way from now.
Yara was telling me about whether she should celebrate her 21st birthday or not, a major milestone in a girl's life. We talk and discuss some ideas over coffee at the Emporium, blended espresso is delicious.
After a longwinded catch up on gossip, Turkish/Arab drama, fashion, and offcourse boys, she calls it a day. "I need to go home and get ready for tonight", she tells me. "Why, what do you have on?" I ask her curiously. "Where having a family gathering tonight, the entire family at my grandparent's house, you know all 150 members!"
Birth From The Waist
Romance***COMPLETED*** The novel tells of the lives of a large group of characters and their "ordinary" obstacles. Characters are challenged between love, greed, obsession, and lust. Characters Andrew and Melissa are developing a relationship met with...