Chapter 29

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A few days had passed since I had caught Alex in his indiscreet and indecent act. The past days had gone by with a blur, me taking no notice of anything but my baby, shutting out my friends, my family. Why? I think it was the shear amount of embarrassment that was residing within me.

It was the little emotion that was separated by an indubitable thin vector that sundered it from pride, my pride. A syllable of vocabulary I had utilised repeatedly to explicate my life, turns out it was all a lie.

Alex and I communicated, he more than I did. I had made some excuse that I was ill, and that had caused him to become "worried". As much as this man has done for me, why does he attempt to portray a caring and exquisite husband? He was the one that was purchasing dinner since I was too 'sick' (heartbroken) too cook, he cleaned the entire backyard after work.

Alex was playing me; that had to be it! He was trying to play the good husband in order to sweep his dirt under the rug, where no one will ever look or even discover. What was happening with me? Why was I hadn't I confronted him? Maybe I was just waiting for time to pass and the ice would melt and everything would be revealed. No! I was just in denial, the perfect love story that me and that dickhead lived was nothing but artificial bullshit. He used me!

The sunshine had peeked through the semi-opened curtain, it was just after dawn, another weekday, another day of sorry and contempt.

I attempt to turn over to get up, but am met with Alex gazing back at me. Leaning only his left arm, staring at me deep in rumination, almost as if he was in some trance. I gawked back him, he was shirtless, his beautiful brown skin was highlighted by the pearl white clover of the duvet. He smiles.

"You have no idea do you?" he retorts.

I was officially lost, what was he on about? "No idea of what," I reply.

He caresses my cheek. "Of how beautiful you are, you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen."

I blush crimson. Oh he's words were illuminating the darkness inside of me.

"Don't be shy!" he screeches startling me. He grabs both my hands and rolls me over so that he was lying on top of me, pushing me into the hard mattress; he's masculine arms holding mine above my head. A lump forms at the back of my oesophagus.

"You never have to be shy with me baby, I told you. I'm your husband, and you are mine. All mine, only mine, for my eyes to see. I love you unconditionally," he reveals. He was such a twofaced liar, I could see right past his facade of conceit.

I gaze at him imperiously, his face a blank. "I want you baby!"

I smirk. He follows with a wide grin on his face. "I want what I want Georgie and I don't care who I have to go through to get it," he says huskily.

I frown. "Really, well we can't always get what we want Alex! I guess this time you just lost".

He chuckles. "You sure about that," he says gripping my arms tighter. I pout immediately feeling the pain.

His face hardens. "What's wrong with you, you have been yourself this few weeks, is there something wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Yes, just ruin my entire existence, cheat on me, and come in and pretend there's nothing going on.

"No, I've been sick the past week, girl problems you know," I lie.

His face relaxes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I shouldn't have to. This is girl business Alex, you don't need to know this kind of stuff, it's too personal," I reveal.

His frown lines become visible, a succinct indicator that my words were harsh. Good!

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