Chapter 15

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I jolt unaware of my surroundings, my memory was polar, trying to focus on my whereabouts and what had happened to look up and see that unfamiliar door, the threshold to my captivity; it was the tangible barrier that stopped me, a fine fix between freedom and oppression.

Sitting up in the bed, I move my hand around in my hair, the sun was up. What? It was bright; it hadn’t even reached its apex. Oh no! I had been asleep from yesterday, when he...he...drugged me. The sun’s rays were too bright for my eyes to handle, I felt a buzz in my head almost like a hangover, and thankfully nauseousness was not present.

My behaviour astounded me. I was reacting normally, no discretion on my escape and no tactics. Had I gotten use to my fate, was I doomed to reside in this place with my unidentified kidnapper. I couldn’t stay here, I wouldn’t. Why can’t he just let me leave, depart? I’ll comprise. I’d pledge not to contact the police; I wouldn’t do anything for that matter as long as he’d let me be.

I needed to survive and that was my means of perseverance, a means to an end.

I lost track of time, but based on memory, yesterday should have been my first day I think. My train of thought is disturbed by the door bolts turning, he was coming in. He enters the door locking it this time, alert and wise from yesterday’s incident. He stares at me, a smile on his face. I look away.

“Did you sleep well”, he asks.

“Synthetically yes!” I reply

“You still slept, I needed to bring you back without any hassle and it worked according”.

“That’s great”, I say dryly uninterested in the conversation.

“You know you should really stop and act your age, deal with it, you’re going to be here from now on. You can’t escape and you won’t. I want you, and some advice. I always get what I want whether everyone’s happy or not’, he says.

I gulp. “I couldn’t care less. I’m going to get out of here. I have a life. While everyone is outside living there’s I’m here trapped with some maniac who’s keeping me against my will.”

He looks at me intently almost as if he was reading my thoughts. “Living their lives huh? Doing what? Hooking up with guys at those Friday night parties, losing their virginity at young ages, fucking a guy they deem good looking when I’d bet you that a decent girl that respected herself wouldn’t even look at. You’re a decent girl Alyssa. You’re different. And to compare yourself or even attempting to live the lifestyle that these other girls live is appalling, shallow. Whatever happened to those genuine girls, the ones that fall in love with you because your both committed, the ones that wouldn’t dare kiss your or even hold your hand till their know their rightfully engaged to be married. Time is changing, people are changing. Are we necessarily turning into good people or the complete opposite? Guys are taking advantage over girls, they mistreat them, mess with them  using them to their complete satisfaction. The pretty sad thing about it is that after all this happens they expect to find their perfect partner, the virgin, the innocent, the one they’ll always care for. Society is being fuelled by karma Alyssa, those guys are not finding those innocent girls, and instead they’ve searched and made a family with those girls that disrespected themselves and their families. Then there are those men that are lucky, the one’s that find perfect girls like you. After a young life of pleasure they seek girls like you, a prize collection or toy they can show off, own and show off to their families and friends. Some guy out there now is looking for a girl like you, who knows how long it could take, perhaps a day or maybe even a year”.

“What does this have to do with me; you said I’m not like those girls, why are you still lecturing me about it then?” I question.

“Truth be told, I admitted that someone like those guys will find you. You being the naive imbecile that you are will fall for someone like him and accept his past and what he’s done. It’s okay for what he’s done, but when he sees you, he will be very stringent towards your behaviour, your attitude and you’re past. I can see you’re getting confused; I’ll dumb it down for you. I took advantage over the situation. I took you so no other man can ever have you, no other guy will have you!

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