Chapter 27

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Days had passed since my first taste of liberation, what was the feeling like? Ah! Nothing felt better than the fresh air of the night sky blowing against my skin which lacked vitamin D. The immense feeling of finally standing up after sitting on your backside for what seemed like hours, that intense vibration of pain that travelled up your spine that in most cases felt pleasurable, felt liberating, breaking the awkward position that was the force between once and his chair. That was me, I was freed from my chair, taken outside of captivity, taken into a car and driven around my beautiful Sydney.

Although the doors were locked, he permitted to have my window open slightly, locking the auto-power of the windows to shield me from any attempt of making contact with the outside world. I thought he had awarded me my freedom? Why was he still holding me back? Was he fearful that I’d report him? I promised I wouldn’t do such a thing, but that meant we were having trust issues. I decided to let it all go. I couldn’t have a care in the world, I was outside and I was going to enjoy it, make the most if it. From that moment I decided that these little outings would be seldom, that was decided on Matthew’s mood.

We drove around for a while, I kept nagging him to extend the trip so that I wouldn’t have to return to that apartment.

“Let’s just go home Danny please, we can do this again another time, nothing special it’s just Sydney”, he revealed.

“Are you kidding me?” I questioned, my eyes squinting with a serious questionable tone.

“What?” he spoke coldly, the bitterness present in his voice. A clear side-effect of what would happen if one were to ever question or even back chat this almighty man who though he could control everyone.

I glower at him, anger infused with rage. “I’ve been trapped in your apartment for God knows how long! I want to smell some fresh air, you don’t let me leave the car, or go out alone, so the least you could do is let me enjoy what time I’ve got”, I explain.

He gawks at me, his acrimonious face eases to a subtle one, no emotion present, just confusion.


I finally told Matthew to go home, who was I kidding? Sitting down driving past different areas was in no way comparable to actually walking, feet making contact with concrete, hands by my side making contact with the railings and walls of home barriers, the cold chilly night making contact with my skin as it became erected, but this was completely extinguished with the heater of his car.

We had stopped at a set of traffic lights; I was in no mood to talk to Matthew. I was seated awkwardly, my head towards the door.

A car had stopped beside us, I couldn’t help but look towards it direction. It was an immaculate car, a Porsche Cayenne, couldn’t distinguish which make year it was, but it was marvellous, the black glossy coat shimmered contrasted to the dark road.

I looked into the driver’s window taking no notice of Matthew. A man in his late twenty’s sat there keeping his eye on the road. This man had was impeccable, his blonde short hair complimented the blonde stubble on his chiselled jaw line, his light green eyes would have suited a jealous being, but this man glowed. The young man gandered towards my direction, his face froze almost as if he knew me. I swallowed the bile that rose up my throat, the unfamiliar painful burn that ignited at my epiglottis. The man kept glaring at me lost, intrigued. Suddenly, to my attention, a small smile formed on his face. I think he fancied me. I couldn’t but help notice his beautiful smile as it formed dimples towards his cheeks. He was so handsome.

To my dismay, a look of fear had besieged his face; I continued to stare back at him lost in confusion as the tinted window of the car began to lift. I gulped, the bile more painful than ever. Matthew saw, he saw everything!

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