Chapter 5

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Harry POV

After a full week of classes, everything seemed to return to normal, I even have to go to Quidditch tryouts this afternoon. I like normal, normal is good. No death eaters, no Voldemort just normal wizard stuff.

I put on my Quidditch clothes and walk down to the field with Ron and Ginny. Ginny and I were the new Co-captains of Gryffindor. We got to the field seeing some old faces, and an abundance of 1st years. Ginny and I discussed that we wanted to keep the team relatively the same as last year. Just replacing the ones who... died.

We start warming up with some simple throwing and catching while doing broom sprints. I see Mr Jackson, the new head of Gryffindor run down, frantically trying to put his robes on. Obviously, he forgot he had to supervise, or he got lost, of both.

Percy POV

Annabeth just loves to talk. I mean I love her but I told her I had to go supervise and she kept telling me about the architecture of Hogwarts and how she had researched it and how old it is and all this stuff about the school. I rang to ask her to bring some nectar and ambrosia to Hogwarts. I found that I am attracting monster to the school. I was going to send Mrs O'Leary in a couple of days to pick her up. She was ecstatic.

I ended up being late because of that. I quickly pulled on my Dracula robes and ran down to the field. Minerva gave me a quick run down on what Quidditch is but still had no idea. I mean I could never play it.

Percy Jackson + Flying = death.

I don't even now how I became head of the house. I thought that you had to be in that house when you went to school. But Minerva just kept saying, 'I see your bravery within. That is why.' Hey, I'm not complaining, just confused.

I was watching all the brooms fly in front of me and what not and I almost got hit in the head by one of those ball things. Crazy sport.


Harry POV

After a long day of Quidditch tryouts, I had a shower and went to bed. It's been great after Voldemort died, I haven't been having any dark dreams.

I was asleep in bed when I heard this noise out my window, I look up and see something in the black lake. Intrigued by what it was I grabbed my wand, glasses, invisibility cloak and Ron.

"What are you doing, bloody hell it's the middle of the night."

"There's something in the lake come on."

"Nah, I'm over all that, doing it ourselves."

"Just come on." Ron reluctantly rolled out of bed.

We walked down to the lake to see who was the figure in the lake.

"Is that Professor Jackson?"

"Why would he in the lake?" Sure enough, it was Professor Jackson, doing laps in the lake.

"He's a good swimmer," Ron noted.

"He is. What time is it?"


"Why would he be swimming at this hour?" I asked. Ron shrugged his shoulders. I saw Professor Jackson jump up and dive into the deep lake. After a while Professor Jackson hadn't returned to the surface, I started to get worried.

"He hasn't come back up yet. How long has he been down?"

Ron looked at his watch, "7 minutes."

"Should we do something?" It was almost like he heard us.  He just melted out of the water. We backed up so we wouldn't bump into him.

"He's not wet."

"How can you tell Ron?" I ask. He was about to answer when we heard a rustle. Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out something from his board shorts, it definitely wasn't a wand. After a while, nothing came out of the forest. Percy scanned around him until he stopped at us. He stared at us under the cloak. He raised his eyebrow and walked away.

"That was bloody close, we better get back to bed."


"Wait so why was he swimming in the lake?" Hermoine asked us.

"We don't know," Ron explained while piling large about of food into his mouth.

She rolled her eyes "I'm not sure about him yet. We have our first lesson with him today."

"We do," I answered. "We better get going soon so we aren't late. Why are you wearing sports clothes Hermoine?"

"Ms McGonagall told girls to wear them to all DADA classes."

"Hmmph." Ron shrugged his shoulders

We walked out of the Great Hall and down the corridor into the newly designed DADA classroom. There were no seats or tables, just crash mats on the floor. We had a class with Slytherin today.

"Welcome, class to the Defence Against the Dark Arts. Spooky stuff." Professor Jackson said while doing Jazz hands. "This year is going to be, a little different. We are going to focus on defending yourself a little more physically."

"What?" Hermoine whispered.

"Ron come over here."Professor Jackson gestured for him to step over.

"Give me your wand."


"Hand over you wand." Ron reluctantly handed over his wand to Professor Jackson. "Neville heads up," Percy said as he threw his and Ron's wand over to Neville. He stumbled with them, but eventually caught the wand.

"So what would you do if I was a monster?" He asked Ron. " Rawrrrrr," he said while approaching Ron. Professor Jackson was the only one that laughed.

"Um," Ron punched Professor Jackson in the stomach. He didn't flinch, the whole class echoed with laughter.

"This is what you will do." He grabbed Ron and flipped him over his shoulder landing straight on his back, a golden sword appeared at Ron's neck. Ron screamed in fear.

"That is what you would do in a situation were you had no wand. Today we are working on just the judo flip, the one I just showed you. Quickly get into pairs."


I have never felt so much pain in a class lesson, I have bruises all over me.

"That's all for today class, next lesson we will be playing with these bad boys." He said as he spun his sword between his fingers.

Who is this teacher? 

Mr Jackson. The Hogwarts TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now