About me (Not a Chapter)

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Ok so I know I have not been on here for like a year or anything like that, but I wanted to do something special to thank all of you who are so kind to me and make me laugh. You don't have to read this if you don't want too.

Let's start with my name... Hello my name is Ella, I'm not saying middle and last name though.

So when I was born, I was born with something called P.V.N.H where my brain does not form fully... I had found his out when I was 9 years old...

So when I was younger (before 9 years) I made some amazing friends such as TheShippingEclipse and AdolfShitler435 Those 2 as well as my other friends are very important to my life. I met these 2 when we were 5.

I was always a very talkative child and very energetic and had a huge imagination... I guess that's a good reason to become a Wattpad writer. 😅

When I was 9 I had a seizure... I had to miss a lot of school that year as well because of test and other things... I'm actually shocked that I was able to go on to the next year. 😂😬

(I was shocked, I was ok after rolling off a bunk bed when I was in 5th grade 😂 Don't worry it was the bottom bunk.)

I have had at least 3 seizures since I was 9. I had one this year... Probably why I couldn't update on a Saturday 😅

So I've never been popular... I'm usually alone in class, unless I'm with my friends are in my class.

One year I got called names for my seizures I got called, Seizure lady, Seizure salad, and other things. I remember slapping a kid because he called me something (I'm lucky I didn't get in trouble)

I still continued to smile though. I love to laugh. So I guess Wattpad is perfect for me because you guys always make me laugh and smile.

One year I remember being talked about behind my back. This girl was jealous of me (Idk why) and she told my friend something and tried to turn her against me. But that didn't work out because my friend told me and everything turned out fine for me and my friend. (Take dat bitch!)

Anyway a month ago I got scared because my sister had fainted and had fainted again 2 weeks later. I was terrified because I had already caused my parents enough trouble... I didn't want them to stress out anymore...

But she got tested and everything was normal so that was good. 😊😀

I also got called a bitch a few days ago from a kid I didn't even know, I only knew his name. (Fuck you kid -_-)

I honestly have to thank my friends that I tagged up top. Adolfshitler435 got me into anime. I guess that was a thanks for being an awesome match maker and getting her together with a guy for a year. Or she just wanted me to become an emo like her. 😂
I have to thank Eclipse because we can just talk about anime and not give a care in the world and we can always share our story ideas with each other and we would just laugh or cry about them. 😂

I wanted to thank all of you as well because you'll always make me laugh and smile. I love all of you guys and I hope you all live wonderful lives. I hope you all continue to be kind to me and thank you for voting and commenting on my stories. 😊

Once again you didn't have to read this.

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