Chapter 3

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It's been a week since I left home. The cops haven't been around but I know they're closing in. I heard there silence yesterday, a couple blocks away.

Calm down Monica, I was sure to clean up after myself.


Yep, sweetheart.

Why aren't you out here?

Then she shows up. "Hey." I say.

"Hey." She puts her hands in the pocket of her sweatshirt. "Calm down M, no reason to freak. I cleaned up the prints on the knives."

"What about my blood that's with theirs, or the fact that they have knives everywhere, and the other fact that I'm not there."

"Yeah. We're doomed." WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT?! "But on the upside we can say it was because your insane and technically you are."

"Thanks for the pep talk, really A for effort, but ITS NOT HELPING!" I hear sirens coming.

"Run." Was the last thing Volcano said before leaving. I obeyed and took one last glance at the place that once brought me the most happiness in my life and ran.

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