Fresh new start. [ please read ]

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Hello! Honestly i don't think anyone will see this, but i just wanted to let the people who will know that i'm re-writing this whole story.

To let you know a bit i wrote this story when i was in 5th grade and yes I was new to the english language so there is MASSIVE mistakes everywhere. I am now in 8th grade and of course I know more now than I did before so i'm hoping to fix this whole story up and make it better. It will probably not be a huge difference since i suck at making stories but i will try. If Anyone would like to help just private message me and i'll try to answer as fast as i can if possible (: thank you for your time and support. 

{ The story will be confusing for a while since i won't have time to re-write every page in a day sorry if you are a new reader } 

Comment any questions you may have! I'm hoping this could be a fresh new start cx

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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