Author note

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Hey guys! I'm SOOO sorry I haven't updated for a while, but I'm still in Puerto Rico and I don't have much internet over here! I'm gonna be updating pretty soon I'm going back home to New York on August 12, If your asking how I got internet right know is because I'm in my cousins house and they at lease have internet! Living with no internet basically every day here in Puerto Rico is soooo T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E!!! I sometimes think ' how the actual hell can people live with no internet!? I've been suffering over here! I feel like half of my life is fucking gone!!'

Guys I also wanted to say Thank you so much! For all the readers that keep reading this book! It been so much when you guys vote and comment! I just wanted to say I fucking LOVE you all sooooo much!♥️♥️

I'll try to update soon!♥️ love you all!!♥️♥️

as Jc Caylen says

- Stay Cloudy

- and I will see all your beautiful faces well...... When I can!


One Direction Bullied A VampireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora